标题: 高龄者住宅餐点配送路径规划之研究
A Study of Vehicle Routing in Home-meal Delivery for Elderly
作者: 王世曦
Chen, Mu-Chen
关键字: 高龄者餐点配送;宅配;城市物流;路径规划问题;依时性旅行时间;软性时窗;Home-meal delivery for elderly;Home delivery;City logistics;Vehicle routing problem;Time dependent travel time;Soft time window
公开日期: 2011
摘要: 在社会、经济的转型之下,依据行政院经济建设委员会人力规划处2004年的推估,台湾地区的老年人口比率将于2018年达到14%,而迈入“高龄社会”(Aged society)。在老年人口增加之下,高龄者住宅餐点配送服务(Home meal delivery)可以提供餐点给予行动不便以及独居无人照顾之高龄者。而在需求逐渐产生之下,高龄者住宅餐点配送之相关路径规划就显得相当重要。


In the transformation of the social and economic, according to the Manpower Planning Department in Council for Economic Planning and Development in 2004 to the estimates of Taiwan’s elderly population ratio will be 14% in 2018, and then entered the “Aging Society”. Under the increase of elderly population, home-meal delivery of elderly can provide meal for disable or solitary elder. As the demand of home-meal delivery increase, the routing problem has become more and more important.

Delivery of meals or food is slightly different to the general distribution. In the distribution process, travel time cannot be too long to ensure food is fresh. For the home-meal delivery characteristics of short-term, intensive, and moreover, consider service time for the assistance of dining and medication to the elderly. Delivery route is mainly located in the city, the path is usually in short delivery time. Deliver time is in the dining period, the traffic is congestion, and travel time is influence by the peak and off-peak hours that caused many uncertainties. The elderly have different dining time demand, and the peak hours causing inaccurate path planning reduce the quality of delivery service.

Base on the above, this study develop the mathematical model which consider the congestion and the soft time window planning, and create a sample. The study produce a suitable path planning solution, verify the rationality of the model, and test the changes of each cost in the model. Through this study, the relevant operators can refer the current status of foreign home-meal delivery and the more accurate routing planning, to improve service quality and cost savings.