Title: 銀行為何倒閉?從競爭優勢及銀行預警系統建置企業競爭優勢-在全球金融危機前後下的金融產業為例
Why banks fail? Configuring competitive advantage and early warning system for sustainable growth under global financial crisis of banking industry
Authors: 謝孟哲
Hsieh, Meng che
Tang, Ying-chan Edwin
Liou, F.May
Keywords: 信用模型;永續競爭優勢;倒閉預警系統;貝式推論;全球金融危機;競爭優勢軸;CAMEL財務指標;Failure credit model;Sustainable competitive advantage;Early warning system;Bayesian analysis;Global financial crisis;Powell competitive advantage axis,;CAMEL ratio
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 全球金融危機,銀行業是導火線也是危機下慘烈的受傷產業,許多百年老店追起了息號燈,尤其雷曼兄弟的倒閉更是震驚全球,但也有許多銀行趁勝追擊,持續成長,推斷全球金融危機前後銀行業的資源構型在這中間扮演了重要角色,而此論文希望能從這出發並揭露其中的緣由。
With the global financial crisis, banking industry has suffered the most damage and had great impact to the world economic. Some banks went bankruptcy in the global financial crisis; while some banks still grow or remain stable, we could infer that banking industry configuration really matters and the research mainly to disclosure underlying reasons.
The research is based on two theory sustainable competitive advantage and CAMEL –related indicators (early warning system) in banking industry. The author adopt Bayesian and failure credit model to infer and predict failure/non-failure and competitive advantage/disadvantage groups, furthermore, trying to find a function or framework to interpret the underlying reasons of results.
Most prior banking prediction researches are focus on identifying effective indicators and models that can be applied to develop an early warning system for individual bank failure. However, during global financial crisis, there is still a large amount of bankrupted banks, we can easily see that detecting risk is not enough to facing the even more complicated and dynamic competitive surroundings. In strategy point of view, there are some research integrate the financial indicators and strategy theory to interpret sustainable competitive advantage in the industry.
In conclusion, the research mainly find banking industry configurations and successfully to predict the fail and competitive advantage dimension after global financial crisis of banks in U.S. As a matter of fact, also try to advance early warning system and Powell axis based on Bayesian analysis to take global financial crisis as a reference point to see underlying reasons whether banks to grow or fail.
From a long term perspective, to strengthen the managers should take a risk seriously– instead of just complying with rules is might be underlying reasons what drives a business to sustainable growth in dynamic business banking industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis