Title: 海外自助旅行者之知覺價值及滿意度對重遊意願之研究─以香港旅遊為例
The Study on Overseas Independent Travelers' Perceived Value and Satisfaction toward Revisit Intention ─A Case for Hong Kong Traveling
Authors: 李宛凌
Lee, Wan-Ling
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 自助旅行;目的地屬性;知覺價值;滿意度;重遊意願;Independent travel;destination attributes;perceived value;satisfaction;revisit intention
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 網際網路的快速發展使得旅遊資訊容易取得,因此旅行者收集旅遊目的地的資訊更加便利;而傳統旅行社也逐漸拓展網路業務,紛紛提供網路代辦機票與網路報名自由行等方式。另外,隨著簽證陸續開放(截至2011年12月15日外交部統計,目前我國國民可以免簽證及落地簽證方式前往的國家及地區共有124個),以及近年自助旅行的風潮,使得年輕人開始從事海外自助旅行。自助旅行的盛行為當地帶來的商機,以及旅行社的應對之策,將是雙方必須思考的議題。


The rapid improvement in Internet makes travel information easily reach, so it is more convenient for travelers to collect the information about the travel destination; besides, traditional travel agency starts expanding business through internet such as selling airline tickets and providing independent travel. With the visa free (According to the statistics from Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan) There are 124 countries are visa free.) and the popularity of independent travel, lots of young people engage the overseas independent travel. Independent travel also brings opportunities in business to the travel destination, and travel agencies need to organize the reacting strategy. Both sides should take this into consideration.

This study adopts what Foster mention about the Travel Decision Process, and discuss independent travelers’ motivation, information searching and considering the destination attributes before traveling; also develop an independent travel model. Moreover, traveler’s revisit intention is important to the travel destination, so this study analyze the affection of independent travelers’ perceived value and satisfaction toward revisit intention.

The result shows that satisfaction is more important than perceived value toward revisit intention. Among the satisfaction dimension, travel environment satisfaction is the largest factor. Next one is the public transportation and scenic spots; perceived value is still important, when the emotional value and functional value increase, independent travelers would revisit. In addition, the study analyzes the demographic factors to independent travel model, and depicts the background of independent traveler. At last, this study summarizes the findings and gives some relating suggestion to travel agency and travel destination.
Appears in Collections:Thesis