Title: 台灣大專院校學生就業行為意向之研究
Factors of the Employment Behavioral Intention of College Students in Taiwan
Authors: 盧煒婷
Lu, Wei-Ting
Hu, Jin-Li
Keywords: 實習制度;態度;就業行為意向;Internship system;Attitude;Employment behavioral intention
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 根據理性行為理論和計畫行為理論,本研究延伸陳金足和陳春富(2011)的發現,加入新的構念─認知行為控制和調節變數,並且把正向實習體驗和負向實習體驗分成兩個不同的構念。研究結果顯示,就業行為意向會受到正向實習體驗和負向實習體驗的影響。另外,實習制度會調節正向實習體驗和就業行為意向之間的關係。調節結果顯示,實習體驗過後,實習時數較短的學生比起實習時數較長的學生,有著較高的意願留在相關領域工作。
This study adds another new construct (perceived behavioral control) and a moderator (individual difference) into the theory reasoned action (TRA) model. A conceptual model then is proposed, in which the employment behavioral intention is influenced by positive internship experience and negative internship experience. Moreover, the relationships between positive internship experience and employment behavioral intention is moderated by the internship system. A moderating test reveals that the influence of internship experience on employment behavioral intention is stronger for shorter-working-hour students than longer-working-hour students.
Appears in Collections:Thesis