標題: 半導體產業之市場導向策略地圖分析
Market orientation strategy pattern analysis
作者: 陳昭穎
Tang, Ying-Chan
Liu, Fen-May
關鍵字: 競爭優勢;略族群;市場導向;顧客導向;競爭者導向;部門間溝通;Competitive advantage;Strategic Group;market orientation;customer orientation;competitor orientation;Interfunctional Coordination
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 現今科技日新月異,消費者的選擇日趨多樣,市場導向對於公司的影響程度也越高。市場導向的策略資源配置也成為一個重要的議題,因此本篇文章想運用較客觀的財務績效指標替代問卷方法,探討市場導向的策略資源配置。我們選擇台灣的代表產業半導體產業作為研究對象。 研究發現,在台灣半導體產業中,成長型的公司以發展顧客導向與組織間溝通為主,成熟型的公司以均衡發展顧客導向、組織間溝通、競爭者導向,因此成長型的公司雖然財務績效較好,但對於景氣的波動也較敏感。成熟型的龍頭企業,因為發展較成熟,因此在財務績效也相對穩健。
With the advancement of technology consumers today have more choices than before, and there is increasing influence of the strategy of market orientation. How resources are allocated for market orientation has become an important subject, thus this paper will look at financial performance figures from a more subjective point of view using the questionnaire method. We chose companies in the semi-conductor industry in Taiwan for our research. Research finding suggests that within the Taiwanese semi-conductor industry, companies that are growing tend to adopt consumer orientation and inter-functional cooperation strategies. Companies that are more mature tend to be spread out more evenly amongst consumer orientation, inter-functional cooperation, and market orientation. Therefore, even though growing companies may have better performance figures they are also easily influenced by market fluctuations. Mature companies that are leaders within their field have more stable financial performance figures.