標題: 同源網路模組家族網站之設計和實作:以同源模組研究脊椎動物的模組交互作用網路
Design and Implementation of MoNetFamily Web Service : using homologous modules and module-module interaction network in vertebrates
作者: 游尚文
Yu, Shang-Wen
關鍵字: 模組;網路;跨物種;家族;module;network;cross species;family
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 模組(module)是指一群具有高度連結並執行特定生物功能的蛋白質所組成的基本單位,因此,在了解細胞的機制與功能上,模組和模組交互作用(module-module interaction, MMI)網路扮演著不可或缺的重要角色。我們建置了同源網路模組家族網站(MoNetFamily),可以提供使用者查詢之一個或數個蛋白質,定義出其模組、同源模組(homologous module)[或稱模組家族(module family)]、以及跨物種的模組交互作用網路,同源網路模組家族網站首先將使用者所查詢之蛋白質透過局部序列比對工具(如BLASTP)去搜尋模組模板(module template)資料庫(包含1,785 實驗記錄模組和 1,252結晶結構模板)並找出相似的候選模組(module candidate),進一步,透過蛋白質交互作用(protein-protein interaction, PPI)家族(PPI family) 建構候選模組之同源模組。根據同源模組和蛋白質交互作用,我們採用超幾何分布(hypergeometric distribution)統計建構模組間的交互作用,並建立跨多個物種的模組交互作用網路。此外,同源網路模組家族網站分別在人類、老鼠、斑馬魚的模組交互作用網路中提供各個候選模組的鄰近模組和及其模組交互作用。最後,同源網路模組家族網站也針對每個模組家族進行蛋白質演化保留性分析、蛋白質交互作用組成分析、及模組家族之功能性註解。 實驗結果顯示,同源網路模組家族網站可提供圖像化模組交互作用網路(如:在人類模組網路中包含1,278模組和9,678模組交互作用),並透過模組家族與鄰近模組提供所查詢之蛋白質的相關功能性註解。我們相信透同源網路模組家族網站建構出跨物種的同源模組以及模組交互作用網路,將有助於探討及了解模組演化及生物細胞機制。同源網路模組家族網站網址如下: http://monetfamily.life.nctu.edu.tw
A module is a fundamental unit forming with highly connected proteins and performs a certain kind of biological functions. Modules and module-module interaction (MMI) network are essential for understanding cell mechanisms and functions. The MoNetFamily web server can identify the modules, homologous modules (called module family), and MMI networks across multiple species for the query protein(s). This server first finds module candidates of the query by using BLASTP to search the module template database (1,625 experimental and 1,252 structural templates). MoNetFamily then infers the homologous modules of the selected module candidate using protein-protein interaction (PPI) families. According to homologous modules and PPIs, we statistically decided MMIs and MMI networks across multiple species. For each module candidate, MoNetFamily identifies its neighboring modules and their MMIs in module networks of H. sapiens, M. musculus, and D. rerio. Finally, MoNetFamily shows the conserved proteins, PPI profiles, and functional annotations of the module family. Experimental results demonstrate that the server can be useful for MMI network (e.g., 1,278 modules and 9,678 MMIs in H. sapiens) visualizations and query annotations using module families and neighboring modules. We believe that the server is able to provide valuable insights to determine homologous modules and MMI networks across multiple species for studying module evolution and cell mechanisms. The MoNetFamily sever is available at http://monetfamily.life.nctu.edu.tw.


  1. 151701.pdf

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