標題: MicroOrganism Identifier:微生物有效識別法之網頁流程系統
Microorganism Identifier: A web service to identify microorganism
作者: 王煒驊
Wang, Wei-Hua
Lin, Yeong-Shin
關鍵字: 聚合酶連鎖反應;微生物;Polymerase chain reaction;MicroOrganism
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 微生物在環境中扮演著重要的角色,不論是疾病、醫藥到工業都與微生物息息相關。因此要如何有效的鑑定微生物,成為一個很重要的課題。但是一般的鑑定方法需要花費大量的時間與昂貴的設備,為了快速且有效地鑑定維生物,在本研究中,我們開發了一個網頁流程系統,利用structural RNA gene間的距離作為一項genomic feature,將這些structural RNA的conserved region設計成引子,憑藉著在不同基因體上引子的binding site間距不同來做鑑定的標準,最後利用演算法得到最佳解。
Microorganisms play an important role in the environment, and is closely related to disease ,drug and industry. In recent years, how to identify microorganisms effectively has become a very important issue. However the general identification methods often take a lot of time and resource. In order to identify microorganism quickly and cost-efficiently, we have developed a web service base on a genomic feature .We found that intergenic length between two neighboring structural RNAs are different between genome. Base on this feature ,we will design primer pairs by the conserved region of structural RNAs. And the primers will identify microorganism by PCR amplified fragment lengths. Finally, we will use the computational method to obtain the optimal solution.  


  1. 151801.pdf

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