Title: 界面縮合高分子膜於介電泳操控之微流體晶片
Polymer Membrane Formation by Interfacial Polycondensation on Dielectrophoresis-Driven Microfluidic Chip
Authors: 葉姸君
Yeh, Yen-Chun
Fan, Shih-Kang
Keywords: 介電泳;界面縮合;尼龍 6,6;Dielectrophoresis;Interfacial polycondensation reaction;Nylon 6,6
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本研究是利用介電泳力操控液體不需要實體牆的特性,使用介電泳力操控水相溶液,並結合界面縮合反應於水相溶液與有機相溶液介面合成高分子膜,如尼龍 6,6。由於界面縮合反應擁有在不互溶的水相溶液與有機相溶液之界面反應成膜的特性,因此在本研究中伴隨著不同的電極設計,利用介電泳力操控水相溶液合成之膜可在任意位置且可形成任意形狀。此外,在傳統微流體晶片上進行界面縮合反應需要控制有機相溶液與水相溶液於晶片上層流才可於其界面中間合成膜,其層流的控制不易,相形之下本研究所建構的合成平台更易於界面縮合反應的控制。
本研究將合成尼龍 6,6 膜於微液滴外圍後對膜之螢光通透性作量測,發現在靜態環境下由膜外擴散至膜內的螢光分子於 1.5 秒時螢光會達到飽和值的 95%。此外利用微液滴的操控,尼龍 6,6 膜可包覆修飾帶有螢光的 biotin 高分子球於膜內做為一固定粒子之平台,希望未來可應用於生物感測器。
We present our investigation of polymer membrane formation by the interfacial polycondensation at the surface of droplets driven by dielectrophoresis (DEP). Because of the characteristic of interfacial polycondensation reaction which can form membrane between the boundary of aqueous and organic phase solution, with programmable droplet positions, nylon 6,6 membrane can be synthesized at any desirable spot on a chip. Furthermore, this synthesis method did not need any laminar flow control.
The permeability of nylon 6,6 membrane has been determined, after nylon 6,6 membrane was synthesizes on the chip. In static state, the diffusion of fluorescent molecule would be 95% of saturation at 1.5 second. By adding particles which modify biotin in the droplet before membrane synthesis, the particles are retained within the cage-like membrane for following studies or bio-assays.
Appears in Collections:Thesis