Title: 多媒體資料完整性的快速認證
Fast Approximate Message Authentication Codes for Multimedia Data
Authors: 林輝讓
Lin, Hui-Jang
Keywords: 多媒體資料;訊息認證;容錯;完整性認證;Multimedia;message authentication;Approximate Message Authentication;error tolerant
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 傳統的訊息認證方法是設計成能夠偵測任何訊息的更動,只要訊息有任何不一樣就不會通過驗證者的認證。不同於傳統的訊息認證,Approximate Message Authentication Codes (AMACs)是設計成能夠容忍合理範圍的錯誤,訊息在錯誤不多的情形下也能夠通過認證,這在特性多媒體資料的認證上十分有幫助,因為多媒體資料通常具有容忍錯誤的特性,少許的錯誤並不會對資料的整體性造成太大影響而可以被驗證者接受。之前的AMAC研究缺少調整認證彈性的機制,也缺乏對於不同AMAC之間的比較方法。我們提出一快速且能夠調整容錯能力的AMAC,並且透過實驗來驗證及比較我們所提出的AMAC在不同錯誤容忍範圍下能夠正確分辨訊息錯誤比例的程度。
Different from conventional hard message authentication schemes that are designed to detect the slightest changes in messages, Approximate Message Authentication Codes (AMACs) are designed to tolerate a reasonable amount of differences in messages as multi-media data. Previous works on AMAC lack ability to adjust the authentication sensitivity and experiments on distinguishing messages. We formulate the robustness of AMACs as a hy-pothesis testing problem and apply random sampling to reduce the computation of AMACs. We then examine the robustness with experiments.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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