Title: 多重手持式裝置螢幕互動之設計 : 以 Google Map 街景應用為例
Modeling the Interaction of Multiple Mobile Devices: A Case Study of Google Map Street View Visualization
Authors: 鍾佳妤
Chung, Chia-Yu
Keywords: 互動;多維度資訊;手持式裝置;Google Map;街景;interaction;mobile device;multi-dimension information;Google Map;street view
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 隨著科技愈來愈進步以及各種手持式裝置的普及化,智慧型手機和平板電腦已經在我們生活中扮演著重要的角色。然而,在大多數手持式裝置上的視覺化應用程式中,展示在使用者眼前的資訊通常都是多維度的,但是只用單一顯示裝置來展示資訊時,無法同時展示多個維度的資訊。因此,我們希望用多個手持式裝置的互動來達到同時讓使用者看到多維度資訊的目的。 在本篇論文中,我們提出了一個多重手持式裝置互動的設計,透過多個手持式裝置之間的互動,讓使用者可以同時在不同的裝置上看到不同維度的資訊,而我們的互動設計中使用到的手持式裝置即為一般的智慧型手機和平板電腦。我們設計了幾種方法讓手持式裝置之間產生互動,使得不同的裝置上可以顯示不同維度的資訊。除此之外,在我們的系統中也提供了一些讓使用者方便操作的服務和介面,可以讓使用者對目前在觀看的資訊上進行儲存、重播、註記、分享等等的操作。 在本篇論文中,我們也提出一個套用於此設計的應用:Google Map Street View Visualization,透過此互動的設計,讓使用者可以同時看到Google Map道路地圖以及實際的街道景致,達到同時展示多維度資訊的效果。
With the development and progress of technology, and the popularity of various mobile devices, smart phones and tablets already play an important role in our daily lives. However, in most visualization application, the information to be displayed to users is multi-dimensional. This means that using one single device is usually not satisfactory. This motivates us to consider utilizing the interactions among multiple devices to achieve this goal. Therefore, in this work, we hope to use multiple devices to support the display of multi-dimension information. In this thesis, a novel design of interaction among multiple mobile devices is proposed. Users can visualize multi-dimension information on different mobile devices simultaneously through this interaction design. We propose several models to facilitate them to localize each other and create interaction effects. In addition, some user-friendly services are also provided in our system. The services allow users to store, playback, share information, and make annotations when viewing information on the mobile devices. A prototype of Google Map Street View Visualization is proposed in this thesis. Users can view the Google Map roadmap and the corresponding street views simultaneously, and achieve the goal of multi-dimension information display.
Appears in Collections:Thesis