Title: 以模板法製作多階層結構的高分子纖維及利用退火方法研究纖維表面粗糙程度的變化
Fabrication of Hierarchical Structures by Wetting Porous Templates with Electrospun Polymer Fibers and Investigation of Their Surface Roughness by Thermal Annealing
Authors: 陳婉鈴
Chen, Wan-Ling
Chen, Wan-Ling
Keywords: 電紡織;退火效應;高分子纖維;超疏水;Electrospinning;thermal annealing;Polymer fibers;Superhydrophobic
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 本篇論文分為兩個主題,第一部分利用電紡織裝置製備高分子纖維,利用控制電紡織參數,製備出奈米至微米尺度的高分子纖維。將奈米纖維收集於玻璃基板上與具有奈米孔洞的陽極氧化鋁模板結合,再利用熱退火效應,使溫度高於高分子的玻璃轉移溫度,高分子開始蠕動並潤濕滲入模板,之後將模板移除後,可得規則階層排列於高分子纖維上。經由控制模板的孔洞大小、不同直徑的纖維、及加熱的溫度與時間,可以調控所需的規則排列多階層結構高分子纖維。 第二部分實驗的主題為纖維表面粗糙程度的探討,在第一部分實驗中發現,經由電紡織裝置製備出來的高分子纖維,由於溶劑的快速揮發,造成纖維表面具有多孔狀的粗糙結構,但隨著加熱高分子纖維,原本粗糙的表面經由加熱退火效應,變成平滑表面的纖維,因此探討其加熱前後,纖維表面靜態接觸角的變化。之後更進一步嘗試使用低表面能的高分子材料,與高分子混摻材料,製備出高分子纖維與高分子薄膜,進一步探討其表面粗糙程度藉由退火效應的變化程度,並探討纖維表面與其親疏水性質之間的關係。
This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part, we fabricate polymer fibers by using electrospinning setup. By controlling the parameters of electrospinning, the diameters of the electrospun polymer fibers can be controlled in the micron or nanometer scales. Poly(methyl methacrylate)(PMMA) fibers are prepared and collected on a glass substrate and are brought into contact with an anodic aluminum oxide(AAO) template. Upon thermal annealing above the glass transition temperature of PMMA, wetting of the polymer chains into the nanopores occurs. After the removal of the AAO template, ordered arrays of nanorods on fibers are obtained. The pore size of the templates and the diameters of the electrospun fibers can be controlled, and different annealing temperatures and times are also applied to control the hierarchical polymer structures. The second part of this thesis is to investigate the change of the surface roughness by thermal annealing. The surface of the as-spun polymer fibers is usually rough because of the rapid evaporation of the solvent. After thermal annealing, the rough surface of the fibers becomes smooth. The water contact angles of polymer fibers by different annealing treatments are studied. In addition to PS and PMMA, we also used polymers with lower surface energy and polymer blends. The surface properties of these materials are also studied, and the relationship between the surface roughness and the contract angle is established.
Appears in Collections:Thesis