標題: 台灣在微機電產業之市場發展機會-以A公司為例
Exploring Global Market Opportunity to Taiwanese MEMS Companies – a Case Study on A Corp.
作者: 胡瑞卿
關鍵字: 微機電;壓力感應器;MEMS;pressure sensor
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 隨著智慧型行動裝置的快速成長,輕薄短小的外型,與直覺式的人機界面(intuitive user interface)已然蔚為風朝,使得越來越多廠商相繼投入微機電產業,舉凡用來感測角速度的陀螺儀、直線加速的加速度計、微型麥克風,以及偵測方位的地磁計等。 本研究以A公司為個案研究對象,A公司主要從事微機電壓力感應器的設計、製造與銷售,雖然A公司已投入此領域已十二年,然而相較於歐美主要競爭廠商,仍算是此領域的生力軍,全球的市場佔有率仍不及百分之一。 雖然微機電產品的製程與半導體積體電路有許多相似處,但其標準化的程度,卻遠不如半導體積體電路那般成熟,微機電的晶圓代工、封裝與測試的產業結構鏈仍在逐步發展成型中。台灣的半導體產業,在過去建立了垂直分工的模式,創造台灣廠商在數位IC領域的盛世,之後又複製其成功模式於類比IC。當大家思索”what’s next”時,微機電產業或可成為下一個領域,供台灣企業在國際市場攻城掠地。
With the trend of thinner, lighter, faster, and intuitive user interface on mobile devices, MEMS products and technology attracts more and more companies enter into this industry, for example, gyroscope, accelerometer, micro microphone, e-compass, and pressure sensor. This study explores the global market opportunity to Taiwanese companies in MEMS segment, and takes A Company as an example. A Company, established in 1997, designs, manufactures, and sells MEMS pressure sensors. Even though A Company has developed MEMS products for twelve years, comparing with major competitors in US and Europe, it is relatively a young company with less than one percent market share in worldwide. Despite there are many similarities in manufacturing process compared with semiconductor Integrated Circuit, MEMS process is not so standardized as semiconductor at this moment. Majority of MEMS products are manufactured in-house with proprietary process. The supply chain, consists of foundry, packaging, and testing is still forming gradually. Looking back the growing pace of semiconductor industry in Taiwan, the vertical disintegration of supply chain played a significant role, which enables many IC design companies competitive advantages to grasp global market shares in past decade. MEMS is expected to repeat the success of semiconductor industry and provide growth opportunity to Taiwanese companies in the future.