Title: 家庭消費性用紙市場的購買行為研究-以台灣三大都會區家庭用衛生紙為例
The Study Of Consumer Behavior For Tissue Paper Purchasing-Taking City (Taipei ; Taichung ; Kaohsiung) In Taiwan as Sample Market
Authors: 張作良
Chen, Quang-Hua
Keywords: 購買行為;Consumer Behavior
Issue Date: 2011
Abstract: 隨著所得的提高,台灣消費者對於家庭用衛生紙的需求也越來越多,為了解台灣地區消費者使用行為及消費購買實態,並探討廠商四大品牌的抽取式衛生紙的品牌知名度及品牌表現,因此特別做此研究。 本研究採取EBM模式,研究對象為台灣三大都會區衛生紙使用消費者,以焦點團體及問卷方式收集資料。資料分析方面採用因素分析法及列聯交叉分析法。由分析結果顯示:消費者都在量販店(55%)及軍公教福利中心(26%)為主要購買通路。購買考慮因素是價格/促銷及紙質柔軟,其次才是品牌知名度。對消費者的資訊尋求及其購買決策中,受到店家郵寄的DM及店內廣告宣傳及促銷活動等有很大的影響。 最後依據研究結果提出行銷建議,供業者擬定經營策略之參考。
With the rising of income level,the demand for tissue papers is also increasing,this research discusses tissue papers consumer’s using and purchasing behavior characteristics. It will investigate the biggest 4 brand (Scott;MayFlower;Andante;Delight)of market that is interfold tissue paper brand power and activity. This study adopts EBM consumer behavior model as the conceptual framework. The study subjects are the tissue paper consumers taking three main cities(Taipei;Taichung;Kaohsiung)in Taiwan areas. The study is conducted with focus group interview and questionnaires to gather data, as for the data analysis, we use the methods of factoring and cross analysis to reduce the data and integrated the results of consumer behaviors. The results of analysis are as following: The consumers are always purchasing the tissue paper at the Hyper market (55%)and px of welfare center(26%).purchasing motivation considered such factors that it first priority is price /promotion and paper tender, then secondary priority is brand image,sources of information affect the buying decision making from the store mail the “DM”to custom, the many advertising and marketing promotion activity are attracted at the instore display . Finally ,this article provides some marketing recommendation for the future research.
Appears in Collections:Thesis