DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorHsiang Chin-Hsiaoen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen Ruey-Shunen_US
dc.description.abstract資訊技術影響組織資訊處理的架構,亦影響組織發展與設計之方向。經濟理論中,網路外部性特性已經印證網際網路的新興發展。然而,網路上未更新資訊散佈各地,搜尋服務並無法保證回應資訊的一致性與可及性;網際網路雖具備資訊分享能力的優勢,但資訊爆炸現象卻令使用者面臨如何選擇有用資訊的窘境;聯網組織資訊系統之發展常受限於跨組織之系統滲透及作業安全等因素,或陷於資訊技術及設計者個人思維不足等限制,而忽視使用者與組織在資訊品質上的需求。面對這些問題在發展聯網組織系統時除了能見度及彈性之考量外,應支持聯網組織「統籌管理」與「分權自主」的經營需求,及滿足聯網資訊對組織成員的個別效用。 本研究以文獻研究方式檢視網路外部性的發展演進,藉以探討並重新確認聯網組織的網路外部性特性。因較少學者從網路外部性探討聯網組織的資訊可用性與可及性。本研究主張聯網資訊之提供應考量對成員的個別效用及組織之經營需求,故提出具資訊分享與資訊整合能力的聯網組織發展架構,並以聯網組織跨網站之資訊處理流程為基礎,探討資訊作業之行政作業成本對聯網組織效能之影響。 本研究之成果可在三方面作出貢獻:一、所提之跨網站聯網組織架構,可避免一般聯網組織資訊系統在系統滲透及作業安全上之問題,並滿足組織運作在統籌管理與分權自主之需求。二、解析聯網組織之網路外部性利基,創新以資訊品質為衡量聯網組織發展之基礎。三、以資訊作業成本概念評估聯網組織成效,由簡化的資訊作業成本評估模式可證明聯網組織之層級愈多,其資訊協同成本愈高;其組織成員愈多,則資訊協同成本愈高。資訊協同成本,可透過資訊整合及資訊分享技術有效降低,相對地亦可因此提升聯網組織效能。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractInformation technology affects organizational information exchange and influences the aspect of organization development (OD) and organization design. In economics theory, the network externality has proved the emerging Internet/networking development. However, non-updated information spreads allover the Internet. Search engines can not give us guaranteed consistency and accessibility to required information. Although the Internet has possessed the advantage of information sharing but the phenomenon of information explosion has confronted many users to an awkward situation when choosing for the right information. The development of network organizational information system is criticized for problems of system penetration and operational security of a cross-organizational operations and system integration. It is always stopped at the insufficiency of information technology and designer’s individual cognition and hence ignored the requirements of information quality for both the user and the organization. In order to conquer these problems while constructing the information system of network organization, adding values to support the management’s needs of centralized management and decentralized autonomy and to satisfy the individual validity of network members with organizational information are more important rather than the concerns of system visibility and flexibility. This research adopts the way of literature analysis to examine the progress of network externality so as to explore and reconfirm the externality of network organization. Few researches pay attention to network organizational information validity and accessibility from the view point of user utility and network value. Therefore, this research claims that the provision of network organizational information should exam the individual validity of members and the operational requirements of the organization. And then, to address a conceptual framework of network organization which enables information sharing and information integration to fulfill the organizational coordination. An assessment of administrative activity cost based on cross-website information exchange is put in place to further observe the effects of network organization. The results and contributions of this thesis are shown as follows. 1. The proposed framework of cross-website network organization, Extra-web organization (EWO), can be freed from criticizing the problems of system penetration and operational security while developing network organizational information system. EWO also satisfies the requirements of centralized management and decentralized individual operation for coordinating the network organization. 2. Explore the beneficial basis of network externality and innovate the measurement of network organization development with a substitution of information quality. 3. Utilize a new concept of information activity cost assessment to judge the network organization effects. A generalized assessment model was held; results showed that the more the levels of network organization we have, the higher information activity cost we get; and it is the same while the members of network organization increases. In EWO, information activity cost reduced dramatically by the use of information sharing and information integration mechanism. This also means that it is workable for promoting network organization effect.en_US
dc.subjectNetwork Externalityen_US
dc.subjectNetwork Organizationen_US
dc.subjectOrganization Developmenten_US
dc.subjectInformation Sharingen_US
dc.subjectInformation Integrationen_US
dc.titleA Conceptual Framework Design of Network Organization and Its Information Administrative Activity Effects Assessmenten_US