Title: | 工作鑲嵌對離職意圖的影響:產業景氣與組織績效的調節作用 Job Embeddedness and Turnover Intention: The Moderating Effects of Business Prospect and Organizational Performance |
Authors: | 彭信澤 Peng, Hsin-Tse 王耀德 Wang, Yau-De 管理學院管理科學學程 |
Keywords: | 工作鑲嵌;鑲嵌感受;產業景氣;組織績效;離職意願;Job Embeddedness Practices;Embedded Perception;Business Prospect;Organizational Performance;Turnover Intention |
Issue Date: | 2011 |
Abstract: | 本研究的目的在於探討企業實施工作內鑲嵌與工作外鑲嵌作為對工作鑲嵌感受的關係,以及產業景氣與公司營運績效對於鑲嵌感受的調節作用,進而討鑲嵌感受對於降低離職意願的中介作用,期盼研究成果能夠做為企業以留才為前提下,訂定設計管理制度或福利措施時之參考。
本研究的對象為新竹科學園區科技產業的員工,採用問卷調查方式蒐集資料,發出400份問卷,收回324份,回收率達81%,扣除14 份無效問卷後,共得310份有效問卷。資料分析以階層迴歸法檢驗本研究假設,實證驗證結果發現:(1) 公司的鑲嵌作為與員工鑲嵌感受有正向關係;(2)產業景氣狀況與公司營運績效對鑲嵌作為與鑲嵌感受的正向關係沒有調節作用;(3) 員工的鑲嵌感受對離職意願的負向關係不顯著;(4) 鑲嵌感受對鑲嵌作為對離職意願的負向影響沒有中介作用。 The purpose of this research is to examine the relations between on-the-job embeddedness and off-the-job embeddedness practices and employees’ perceptions of the practices and also to explore the moderating effects between business prospect and organizational performance on the embedded practice- perception relationship. The study explores further the mediating effects of the embeddedness perception on the relations between the embeddedness practice and turnover intention. We hope that the result of this research could provide useful knowledge for companies, which are planning to renovate their human resource management in order to better retain their employees. Subjects of this study are employees work in hi-tech companies in the Science-based Industrial Park in Hsinchu area. Four hundred questionnaires were distributed and 324 of them were returned with a return rate of 81 %. After excluding 14 incomplete 14 questionnaires, the final sample includes 310 subjects. We used hierarchical regression analysis to test our hypotheses. We have the following findings: First, job embeddedness practice has a significant positive relationship with employees' embeddedness perception; second, the prospect of business and the performance of organization do not mediate the embeddedness practice and embeddedness perception relationship; third, the employees’ embedded perception has not effect on their turnover intentions; and fourth, embeddedness perception does not mediate the negative effects of embeddedness practice on turnover intention. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/50698 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |