Title: 利用模糊綜合評判法於供應商評鑑之改善-以某工程公司為例
Using Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Approach to Improve Vendor Evaluation-A Case Study on an Engineering Company
Authors: 呂詠萍
Lu, yung ping
Keywords: 供應商評鑑;模糊綜合評判法;supplier evaluation;Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 近年來,T工程公司承接了許多海外專案,和專案配合的供應商皆為經過T公司供應商評鑑後合格之廠商,但是仍屢見供應商交貨延遲,或是所交的貨,和當初所設計的規格不符等等問題,而這些問題都導致了工期延宕,使得專案成本增加,以致影響專案的表現,進而影響到未來得標的機會。直到2009年東南亞某專案中,供應商提供了品質不佳之產品,導致了T公司付出了巨額的賠償金,也使得T公司在該國家的業界上聲譽嚴重受損。發生上述的案例之後,T公司針對了供應商評鑑表中的項目提出修訂,但評鑑表中的計算方式,仍使用了簡單加權法來整合評鑑者的意見,此計算方式雖為簡單,但是仍有一些缺點,且此法容易受到極端值的影響。本論文在不改變T公司現有之對供應商的評鑑方式下,改變分析所得到之評鑑數據的方法來改善其評鑑供應商的程序。本研究運用模糊綜合評判法,處理評鑑標準語句上的模糊性,以及將評鑑者主觀的不確定性做邏輯性的處理。 第四章透過本研究方法驗證靜態設備、轉動設備以及套裝設備主要供應商得實際供貨情況後,發現新的評鑑分析數據方式較符合實際的供貨狀況,未來的供應商評鑑計算方式,應該使用此研究方法分析所得到之評鑑數據,專案才能避免使用不良之供應商,使得專案的整體效率和獲利性提升。
Recently T company has overtaken a lot of overseas projects. All project vendors have been evaluated by T company, so all of them were quailed vendors. But the projects still often can meet delivery delay, or the goods did not match the original design specifications and so on. Those problems have led to construction delays. And the project cost increases affecting the performance of the project. And then affect the project bidding opportunity in the future. Until 2009, the vendor supply unqualified products in one of Southeast Asia projects. This event caused T company paid a huge amount of compensation, and also makes T company severely damaged reputation in that country. After above of the case, T company revised some evaluated items. But the Simple Additive Weight is still used in T company vendor evaluation report to integrate evaluator’s opinion. Although this method is simple to apply, it is still has some defects. And this method is easily affected by outliers. This thesis does not change the existing vendor evaluation process. The researching purpose is change the calculation method to improve its vendor evaluation process. This research is apply Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation. This method can resolve the incomprehensive of evaluation statement. And also can do logical processing on the uncertainty of evaluator’s subjectivity. In the fourth chapter through this researching method validated the actual supply situation of static equipment vendors, rotary equipment vendors and package equipment vendors. Discovering new calculation method is much more meet the actual supply situation. In the future the calculation method of the vendors’ evaluation should adapt this researching method. This method can avoid the project to use unqualified vendors and enhance the overall efficiency and profitability.
Appears in Collections:畢業論文