標題: DRAM產業世代交替之生產規劃
Production Planning of Technology Generation Transition of DRAM Industry
作者: 許敦皓
Hsu, Tun-Hao
Li, Rong-Kwei
Tu, Ying-Mei
關鍵字: 制約理論;投料法則;Theory of Constraints;X-Factor;Wafer Release Policy
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 由於目前電子產業正面臨生命週期急遽縮短的窘境,造成各DRAM廠為求生存,不斷開發新技術以降低成本來增加競爭力,因此如何縮短新/舊製程轉換的時間是各DRAM公司的首要目標。所以本研究想要討論的議題是如何利用制約理論(Theory of Constraint;TOC)來執行新/舊產品的產能規劃、如何利用X-Factor的觀念來監控生產週期時間(Cycle Time)是否有偏差、如何利用系統資源瓶頸的工作負荷程度來控制生產節奏,並利用警示系統來預防系統資源瓶頸的產能損失。另外本研究提出個案公司P公司的實務作法,來說明上述的生產技術要如何運用在實際的生產實務中,讓工廠端在新/舊製程轉換時的投料控制、生產週期時間的控制、生產節奏的控制、瓶頸機台的警示系統.…等等的生產管理掌控得宜,讓公司在最短時間內完成新/舊製程的世代交替。 關鍵字:制約理論、X-Factor、投料法則。
Owing to the fact that the electronics industry is currently facing the dilemma of a drastically shortened lifecycle, thus in order to survive, DRAM manufacturers are continually developing new technologies and reducing costs to increase their competitive strengths. Therefore the primary objective of DRAM companies is how to shorten new/old time conversion process. Thus the issue that this study wants to discuss is how to make use of the Theory of Constraint (TOC) to execute the new/old product production plan, how to utilize the X-Factor concept to monitor the production cycle time deviation, the workloads and bottlenecks in system resources to adjust the rhythm of production, and use the warning systems to prevent the loss in the bottlenecks of system resource. Furthermore, this study proposes some practices of a particular company, company P, to illustrate the usage of the above-described production technologies in actual production practices. In the cases that control of raw materials in the new/old conversion process on the factory end, the production cycle time, production rhythm, flexible production management control of bottleneck machine warning systems etc., and allowing the company to make the new/old generational replacement process in the shortest time easier. Key Words: Theory of Constraints,X-Factor,Wafer Release Policy


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