標題: 互動式故事敘說應用在反霸凌教育之研究
Applying Interactive Storytelling Approach for Anit-Bullying Education.
作者: 蔡明昆
Tseng, Shian-Shyong
Lu, Henry Horng-Shing
關鍵字: 數位故事敘說;數位學習;霸凌防治;scratch;經驗學習圈;Digital storytelling;e-learning;bullying prevention education;Scratch;reflective learning
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來校園霸凌問題日益嚴重,如何透過教育的方式來減少霸凌行為的發生,已廣泛地引起學術界和教育界的重視。常見校園霸凌的防治方法有輔導教師直接面對面的進行輔導教育,或是透過輔助教具輔進行輔導。然而,面對面的個案輔導與影片式的教學方式常因學生不易敞開心胸接受輔導,而導致輔導成效低落。以數位故事敘說作為輔助教具使用,可以誘導學生說出心中的話,適合使用於反霸凌教材。但因為數位故事敘說教材製作的成本及困難度很高,因此如何有效的進行故事敘說式的教學,達到知識的累積及共享是很重要的議題。   由於故事具有刻板印象的元素 (如:情節、場景、人物等),因此在本篇論文中我們提出故事板框架式模型 (storyboard frame model)用以描述故事敘說的教材。透過框架式模型系統化地描述使得教師與學生可輕易進行故事共同的創作,並加以儲存與共享。此外,框架式模型的繼承 (inheritance)和實例化(Instantion) 的性質,可以大幅減少在編輯故事敘說式教材的成本。透過故事板框架式模型的詮釋資料 (metadata),所以我們可以輕易地將各種高深的教學理論與方法實作成故事敘說式的反霸凌教材。   在本次實驗中,我們以Kolb 所提的經驗學習圈 (experience learning cycle)為例,設計一套互動式故事敘說的反霸凌教材,並實際導入反霸凌教育研究。有117位國中八年級學生參加實驗研究,實驗結果顯示大多數學生能夠在認知和情感衝突的情境下,做出更好的選擇。
School-bullying issues have become more and more serious in recent years, so how to take advantage of teaching materials to prevent school-bullying behaviors from occurring again has been widely concerned by academic domain and education. One of the common approaches used at school to anti-school bullying is that guiding teachers teach students face to face or with teaching aids in class. However, whichever counselling the individual student privately or offering related activities and films as aids in class often achieves little because of most students’ turndown to confess their true feeling. Using the digital storytelling as a teaching aid makes up for the problem. It gives students a platform to open up their mind, and it is the characteristic that is very fit for anti-school bullying materials. While it sounds almost perfect, the priced charge and difficult technique are still a tough nut to crack. Therefore, how to efficiently use the digital storytelling as a teaching aid to acquire and share knowledge becomes a very important issue. As a result of the stereotype features of stories such as the plot, scene, and characters, we propose the storyboard frame model to describe storytelling materials. With the description of the storyboard frame model, teachers and students are able to easily create the story together and then store and share it. Besides, the inheritance and instantion of the storyboard frame model can also slash the charge of editing the storytelling materials . Based on the metadata of the storyboard frame model, we can turn the abstract teaching theory into lucid anti-school bullying storytelling materials with ease. In the experimental study, we implemented Kolb’s experiential learning cycle to design interactive storytelling and set about studying anti-school bullying. In the study, there are 117 students studying in their second year of junior high participating, and it shows that most of the students have the capability of making a better choice in the conflict between cognition and emotion.


  1. 351503.pdf

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