標題: 開發語意網查詢系統支援國民小學數位學習歷程平台之研究-以資訊課程作品展示功能為例
A Study on Developing a Semantic Search Service for Supporting the e-Portfolio System of the Elementary School : Facilitating the Demonstration of the Students’ Works at the Information Courses
作者: 楊家蒼
Yang, Gu-Tsang
Chen, Chang-Sheng
關鍵字: 資訊教育;數位學習;數位學習歷程;知識本體;語意網技術;Information Courses;e-Portfolio;Ontology;SPARQL;Fuseki;Semantic Web Technology
公開日期: 2011
摘要: 近年來,台灣在推廣數位學習(e-Learning)不遺餘力,在校園數位學習環境中建置多元化的數位學習管理系統(Learning Management System or LMS),其中包含數位教材編輯及數位學習歷程 (e-Portfolio)平台等。然而,在國民小學的教學現場,我們常常可以觀察到師生不擅長利用數位學習管理系統擷取有關資訊課程的相關內容。其次,雖然可以利用傳統的網路搜尋引擎或相關電腦書籍找資訊,但目前中小學的學生使用學習管理系統常遭遇電腦課的資訊太多、太過分散而必須耗費大量時間在過濾不適合的知識,資訊的不正確性也導致諸如作品上傳至數位學習平台,卻不知道自己作品的教育內涵及所達成的核心能力,也無法將資訊作品作有效的展示、即時分享與教學再利用。 為了解決上述的問題,本論文應用語意網技術(Semantic Web Technology)來開發一個語意查詢系統支援e-Portfolios (Mahara、臉書)管理平台的作品展示功能,提昇教師、學生在教學活動中的知識管理與擷取能力。我們首先建構以九年一貫課程重大議題之資訊教育為基礎的「國小數位學習資源知識本體(Ontology)」,並結合SPARQL查詢語言和Fuseki套件來設計友善的操作介面,協助教學者(教師)、學習者(學生)來提昇教學效果。其次,在本研究中,為了評估本系統的實施成效,我們以深澳國小5、6年級的班級(106 位學生,每個年級各有實驗組和對照組)來進行語意查詢系統支援Mahara和Facebook在資訊課程作品展示應用上的創新教學實驗,並蒐集相關使用統計數據,加以分析比較。透過這項研究,我們印證了「結合語意查詢系統與數位學習歷程平台」兩種技術,確實可以幫助中小學教師與學生更能掌握數位學習歷程,藉此提升學生的資訊能力與素養,並進一步改善前述的狀況。
In recent years, Taiwan has spared no effort in expanding the applications of e-Learning systems. One of the steps is to build a variety of Learning Management Systems (LMS), including the teaching material compilation systems and the e-Portfolio systems, in E-learning environment of campuses. However, in the teaching scenes in elementary schools, we could often find that many teachers and students are not good at using LMS to retrieve the needed information related to the courses. Although the primary and secondary school students can do the assignments by using the traditional computer search engine(s) or by reading the affiliated textbooks (and/or reference books), they are still suffering from losing in the searching results which are too massive and scattered all over the Internet, and students need to spend lots of time to filter irrelevant data. It comes to the end that after uploading the fruitage of their learning to the e-Portfolio, they still do not know the educational content or the core competencies of their works. What’s worse, the fruitage can neither be demonstrated effectively and shared instantly, nor be reused to teach others. In this thesis paper, in order to deal with the above problems, we would like to develop a semantic searching system to facilitate the demonstrations of the students’ works, to enhance the knowledge management and information retrieval capability in teaching activities in the e-portfolio system. Firstly, we build the Information-Course Ontology based on major issues in grade 1-9 curriculum of the information courses in primary & secondary schools. Secondly, we boost the semantic searching system with the SPARQL search language and Fuseki API to assist educators (teachers) and learners (students) in enhancing the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Moreover, to evaluate the performance of the study, we invited 5th and 6th graders (totally 106 students), from the Shen-Ao elementary school to participate the experiments and then divided them into both the experimental and the control groups (i.e., each grade with two classes). While they were conducting the series of assignments on the e-Portfolio, we observed the process. After those activities, we analyzed the statistics. From the statistics, we could find that the experimental e-Portfolio system, enhanced with the semantic searching system, can help both the participated teachers and students get a better grasp of the e-Learning progress. In this way, it indeed help solve the problems as previous mentioned.


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