Title: 線狀型二氧化矽汙染物在大氣壓化學氣相沉積機台下的形成機制與改善
The formation and reduction of linear silicon dioxide contamination in APCVD processes
Authors: 林樹宏
Lin, shu-hong
Wu, Yew-Chung
Keywords: 線狀氧化矽汙染;線狀型汙染;silicon contamination;linear contamination
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 目前在半導體產業晶圓的製造流程中,主要的生產流程不外乎包含著四大模組來進行重複性的加工來製造!其四大模組分別為【光刻】、【蝕刻】【擴散】、【薄膜】等,再搭配著製程整合、廠務特殊氣體、化學藥品,經由無塵生產環境加上員工來進行生產!簡單的生產流程大致上是使用矽晶裸片經由光刻的微影曝光定義出元件區,接著利用蝕刻技術將所需要的圖案蝕刻出來,並利用擴散技術植入離子來控制元件電性,最後使用薄膜、蝕刻、微影的重複性施作來進行電路的鋪陳及堆疊。它就像是蓋房子一般似的基礎地基建好後,利用柱子、樓板、橫樑來將整棟房子的架構蓋起來,層層分明。最後利用電性做為元件良率的判斷,以確保產品及製程穩定性! 本文中,研究生主要探討的問題是當矽晶圓進行前段元件隔離_淺溝渠STI(Shallow Trench Isolation)製程時,以大氣壓CVD沉積二氧化矽至蝕刻後的溝渠內部當下所發生的特殊線狀型氧化矽汙染,基於其形狀特殊別於一般CVD且發生機率高,嚴重影響產品良率。本文研究其背後所發生的機制與發生原因並找出改善方式來有效地減少異常率。
Currently, the manufacturing processes of the semiconductor industry, the main production processes is contain four modules for the repetitively processing to manufacturing. The four modules are Photolithography, Etch, Diffusion and Thin film. In the processes, manufacturers need to do the integration that include special chemical, gas, clean room, employees and quality control correlation between product and yield. The simple production processes of semiconductor is generally use a bare silicon wafer via photolithography to define element region and etched out the desired pattern by etching techniques, and then using the diffusion implantation techniques to control the electrical properties of the element. Finally, the repeatability step application that include thin film, etching and photolithography will be done for the circuit lay out and multi-layer stacking. Generally, both of the successful rate and yield performance of the products are depend on the device electrical characteristics test, final yield good performance is involve with stability process window and production flow of the fabrication. The fabrication concept of wafer is just like to build a house. The foundation base is like wafer front end processes which is the priority of the considerations, then using columns, slabs, beams respectively and step by step to cover the entire architecture of the house. In the thesis, the discussion topic is about different type contamination always be occurred by APCVD tool in gap filled of STI trench process. Because of the special linear and direction contamination, the author trying to find out what the mechanism is going to induce the pollution in APCVD. Due to defect's high occurrence rate and suffered high scrap rate of wafer fabrication, finding out the solutions and improvement methods are also to be of great urgency.
Appears in Collections:Thesis