標題: 重組創新政策之研究
Reconfiguring the Innovation Policy Portfolios
作者: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
Shyu, Joseph Z.
關鍵字: 創新政策;多評準決策;DEMATEL;ANP;灰關聯;積體電路;系統晶片;矽智慧財產權;矽智財匯集;半導體;innovation policy;MCDM;DEMATEL;ANP;grey relation analysis;integrated circuit (IC);systems-on-chip (SOC);silicon intellectual property (SIP);SIP mall;semiconductor
公開日期: 2005
摘要: 摘要 創新為提昇國家競爭力之關鍵要素,各國政府無不傾全力追求創新政策,以提昇國家的富裕。過去數十年來,創新政策之定義、理論、政府干預創新之合理性、創新政策工具以及新科技、新興市場、創新服務、與經濟成長間關聯性之各種研究及學說已日趨完善,唯創新政策中應使用何種政策工具,或創新政策應如何訂定以追求創新成功,過去少有直接的答案。本研究的目地即在於新創一多評準決策的模式以定義或重組創新政策,並將以台灣積體電路產業中新興的領域 ─ 系統晶片產業、矽智慧財產權產業、矽智財匯集 (SIP Mall) 產業為應用,重組其創新政策。 為定義或重組創新政策組合,本研究以德爾菲法 (Delphi) 綜合國內高科技產業相關領域專家之意見,訂定產業創新需求要素,再以DEMATEL法,藉由求取產業創新需求要素彼此間之因果關係,建立創新政策決策問題之架構,並利用分析網路流程法 (ANP) 求取產業創新需求要素對於產業發展目標之權重後,以灰關聯法 (Grey Relational Analysis),於求得每一產業創新需求要素與創新政策工具間之灰係數後將權重導入,求取每一政策工具之灰級數,最後並以群聚分析法將各創新政策工具之灰級數分群,以作為定義或重組創新政策組合之依據。本方法克服傳統以質性方法定義創新政策時過於主觀、產業創新需求與創新政策間關係模糊、及創新政策工具間缺乏優先順序之缺陷。藉由將前述新創之多準則決策方法應用於我國系統晶片產業、矽智慧財產權產業、矽智財匯集產業,證明前述方法確實可行性,研究結果發現,政府藉由包含供給面政策工具「科學與技術開發」、「教育訓練」、「資訊服務」及環境面政策工具「財務金融」與「租稅優惠」所重組之創新政策將最適於現階段之產業發展所需,所建議之創新政策重組方案,可作為政府施政之依據。
Abstract Innovation is a critical factor for enhancing nation’s competitiveness. National governments have pursued planning in innovation policies to improve nations’ growth. Research has successfully explored the definition of innovation, innovation theories, the rationale of government interventions on innovation, innovation policy instruments, and the relationships between new technologies, emerging market, innovative services, and economic growth. However, there were few definite answers to address the terms and constituent elements in the innovation policy. The purpose of this research is to develop a multi criteria decision making (MCDM) model for innovation policy definition and apply this novel MCDM model by an actual reconfiguring of Taiwan’s national innovation policy portfolios in the emerging areas of Taiwan’s integrated circuit (IC) industry, systems-on-a-chip (SOC), silicon intellectual property (SIP), and the web-based SIP transaction mechanism, SIP Mall. This novel MCDM model consisting Delphi, DEMATEL, ANP, GRA, and the cluster analysis is established. The model overcomes the inadequacies of traditional qualitative approaches which are subjective and misleading, the unrealistic assumptions on the independences between the innovation requirements, the vague correlations between innovation requirements and policy tools, and the lack of priorities of the policy tools. Meanwhile, a reconfiguration of innovation policy portfolios for Taiwan’s SOC, SIP, and SIP Mall industries is presented as the government’s innovation policy. The results demonstrate that a reconfiguration of innovation policy portfolios consisting of supply side policy instruments including scientific and technical, education, and information as well as environmental side policy tools including financial and taxation will be the most necessary aspects to develop Taiwan’s SOC, SIP, and SIP Mall industries.