標題: 機車在交叉路口接受間距特性之研究
A Study of Motorcycle Gap Accepting characteristics at Urban Intersections
作者: 郭正成
Kuo, Jeng-cheng
Chang, Chia-Juch
關鍵字: 機車;交叉路口
公開日期: 1981
摘要: 過去數十年之間,在一些開發中國家機車為主要的運輸工具之一。然而,現有關於機車駕駛人特性之論著卻極為有限。本研究最主要之目的乃是研究機車駕駛人在都市內之交叉路口接受間距之特性。其中包括下列二特定之目的: (1)針對機車駕駛人在交叉路口不同之運行,推導其間距接受間距分配。 (2)比較機車及汽車接受間距特性之差異,以作為機車佔都市交通較重要之函數及接受地位之地區,交通設計或分析時修正之參考。 在幹道為有中央分隔鳥之道路,且無號誌控制之交叉路口,利用適當之研究,以決定支道機車穿越或併入幹道接受間距之特性。且接受間距(Gap)和半間距(Lag)皆依以下四種運行予以分類:(a)二階段直進,(b)一階段直進,(c)二階段左轉,(d)一階段左轉。又在號誌控制交叉路口,幹道左轉接受間距之特性亦同時研究。且各研究之路口,汽車接受間距之特性亦一併研究以作比較分析。 資料之調查選擇台北地區四個交叉路口,利用錄影機進行資料之調查及整理,並使用適當之統計方法分析機車和汽車接受間距之特性。 由分析結果顯示,古柏氏曲線可適當地反應機車間距接受函數,且接受間距之分配符合伽瑪分配。對某些特定之運行,機車之臨界間距較汽車為小,而其餘之運行則無顯著差異。本研究進一步發現,在混合車流情況下,幹道接受間距內夾雜的機車數對支道機車及汽車接受間距之特性有顯著的影響。其他諸如速度或號誌控制以及其他有關問題等對接受間距之影響在本研究中亦都有加以討論,並對往後更進一步的研究提供了建議。
Motorcycle has been one of the major transportation modes in many developing countries for the past decades. However, information regarding motorcycle drivers' behaviour is extremely limited in the existing literature. The main objective of this research was to investigate the gap acceptance characteristics of motorcycle drivers at urban intersections. Two specific objectives were as follows: (1)To develop the gap acceptance functions and the accepted gap distributions for motorcycle drivers with respect to different intersection maneuvers. (2)To compare the difference, if any, in gap acceptance characteristics between mtorcycle and motor vehicle drivers, in order to determine what modification is needed in traffic design and analysis in the areas where motorcycles constitute a significant part of urban traffic. Appropriate field studies were conducted to determine gap acceptance characteristics of minor road motorcycle drivers to cross or merge with major road traffic at unsignalized intersections on multi-lane divided roads. The gaps and lags were classified according to the following maneuvers:(a)through movement in two maneuvers, (b)through movement in one maneuver, (c)left turn in two maneuvers, and (d)left turn in one maneuver. Additional field studies were undertaken at signalized intersections to estimate the gap acceptance distribution for left-turning movements. The corresponding characteristics of motor vehicle drivers at the study locations were also investigated for comparison. Traffic data were collected from a number of intersection locations in the city of Taipei. A video recording procedure was used to record and subsequently retrieve information relative to various events of interest. Statistical analysis of the data was performed to establish the characteristics of motorcycle motorcycle and motor vehicle gap acceptances. An analysis of the motorcycle data revealed that the gap acceptance functions fit a Gompertz curve well and the distribution of accepted gaps corresponds to a gamma distribution. It was found that the critical gaps for motorcycle drivers is significantly less than that for motor vehicle drivers under certain types of intersection maneuvers, while no significant difference could be found under others. The study further found that in mixing traffic the existence of other motorcycles within the avaiable gaps in the major flow significantly affect the gap acceptance characteristics of both motorcycla and motor vehicle drivers at the minor road. A number of other findings regarding effects of traffic speed, and traffic control on gap acceptance, as well as other related issues are also presented and discussed. Recommendations are made for improving the procedures used and conducting further investigation.