標題: 高速公路交通噪音之研究
A Study on Freeway Traffic Noise
作者: 黃傳先
Hwang, Chwan-Shian
Hsu, Yuan-Ching
關鍵字: 高速公路;交通噪音
公開日期: 1981
摘要: 台灣區國道高速公路自六十七年十月全線通車以來,由於運輸之便捷,故轉移和衍生的交通量激增,在經過都市地區之路段,亦因路側土地使用未加有效管制,致使建物繁簇且緊靠,又近年來經濟之急速成長,國民生活水準業已普遍提高,大眾對環境品質的要求也日趨熱切,是以本路交通所產生的噪音,乃嚴重的影響路側民眾的生活與作息,故宜及早籌措防治之道,以確保生活環境之品質。 本研究洽借行政院衛生署環境衛生保護局之RION牌手持噪音計於高速公路台北至林口段路側,進行一系列現場交通噪音之測定,並配合直接訪問的方式,收集本段沿線民眾對本問題的反應,此外則利用因子分析、多元迴歸分析及數量Ⅱ判別模型等數式解析方法,分別建立實體計量模式及心理判別模式,以探討本路交通噪音的發生、傳播現象及民眾心理對路上行車噪音之反應趨勢,同時也據以擬定本研究的環境噪音限定基準及可行的防治對策,以為決策之參考。 噪音影響圈範圍,係隨著交通量的成長而漸擴大,依目前的客觀條件而言,本路交通量的成長,仍無具體的有效管制對策,是以為能防患噪音於未然,修訂土地使用法,使路側能預留足夠的空地以為緩衝綠帶,乃為長久的防治之道,此乃因為緩衝綠帶的設置,並不是對噪音的一種補償,而係與高速公路成為一體的,縱然道路雖為生活上的唯一設施,但不考慮環境衝擊之道路建設,勢將為時代所摒棄。
Since the completion of the National North-South Freeway of Taiwan in October 1978, the traffic volumes on this facility has experienced a high rate of growth, both from diverted traffic and generated traffic, Simultaneously, due to the lack of proper land use controls, a great of building developments have occurred adjacent to those freeway sections that pass through urban urban areas. Today, with the rapid improvement of our people's living standards. there is increasing public awareness toward envivonmental quality Thus, in view of the above mentioned trends, the impact of noise generated by the freeway traffic on its adjacent properties should be studied as soon as possible, such that appropriate noise abatement or prevention measures may be implemented to safeguard our living environment. In this study, field traffic noise measurements were taken along the N-S Freeway between Taipei and Linkou, using a "RION" noise measuring instrument, This measurement of noise levels was coordinated with an interview survey of adjacent residents on their attitudes toward the freeway traffic noise. Two models were developed from these collected data: a "traffic noise forecasting model" and "amentality discrimination model". The development of these models utilized "factor analysis, multiple regression analysis" and "Secor family-discrimination Analysus". By using these two models, One could study the sourc eintensity and spread (propagation) of traffic noise as well as resident's reactions toward it. From this knowledge one could establish standards for acceptable traffic noise levels and develop measures for traffic noise prevention and abatement. The area of land affected by traffic noise is directly related to the traffic volumes. Under present circumstances, there are no effective controls over traffic volumes, and it appears that the best way to prevent the undesivable effects of freeway traffic noise is to control land development through land use regulations, where the land adjacent to the freeway should act as a green belt buffer zone. Such noise prevention measures would provide a lasting solution to the freeway traffic noise problem. It should be noted that the provision of a green belt buffer zone should not be viewed as a compensating after thought in the planning and design of freeways, rather, it should be viewed as an integral part of a freeway project. Although necessity in people's livelihood, the development of roads without giving consideration to environmental impacts are a thing of the past.