標題: 服務導向之分散式網頁表達架構的設計與實作
A Service-oriented Component-based Presentation Framework
作者: 張舜禹
關鍵字: 全球資訊網;超文件傳輸協定;表現層;服務導向;分散式;元件化;WWW;HTTP;Presentation-tier;Service-Oriented;Application Server;Component-based
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 在一般N-tier的網頁伺服器架構中,表現層介於使用者和後端的服務之間,將後端服務的介面轉換為使用者可使用的網頁介面。隨著系統的複雜度增加,後端服務的架構已漸朝向分散式且元件化的方向演進。但表現層通常還是以集中式的方式來開發,而缺乏有效的分工。本論文探討將表現層分散化的好處及可行性,並針對表現層設計一種分散式元件式架構。在這架構下,不同組織可獨立發展服務導向之表現層元件,而網頁設計者可因不同需要調整這些表現層元件並整合在同一個網頁伺服器下,達到分工的目的。
In a typical n-tier architecture that is widely used today for Web applications, the presentation tier lies between user and the back-end tier, transforming the interfaces of the back-end services into Web-based interfaces accessible by human. As the complexity of Web applications increases, back-end services have also evolved from centralized architecture to distributed and component-based one. Furthermore, these back-end services may be supported by different companies each specializing on particular business domain. On the other hand, the presentation tier is still developed in a centralized way. As a result, web application developers are responsible of constructing most of the presentation logics linking various back-end services, leading to improper division of labor and unnecessary software complexity. In this thesis, we propose a distributed, component-based presentation infrastructure on which different organizations can develop presentation services wrapping their own business services, respectively. These presentation services can be customized and combined flexibly by others to build their own Web applications. We argue that with this service-oriented, component-based approach, Web application development can be greatly simplified.


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