標題: 使用注入鎖模技術之混合光纖-射頻擷取網路研究
Study of Hybrid Fiber-Radio Access Network Using Injection-Locked Technique
作者: 李淑玲
Shu-Ling Li
Sien Chi
Wen-Piao Lin
關鍵字: 注入鎖模;混合光纖-射頻;Fiber-Radio;Injection-Locked
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 提供多數用戶寬頻擷取網路服務是未來無線通訊系統的目標之一,而混合光纖-射頻擷取技術提供了一個引人注意的方法來解決未來寬頻服務的問題。在本論文中,我們提出基於注入鎖模技術和動態波長分配技術的波長多工光纖-射頻網路架構且架設實驗驗證此架構。在此架構中,我們利用注入鎖模直接調變的Fabry-Perot雷射取代的高成本的光源和外部調變器來傳輸射頻訊號使得用戶端的成本大為降低且增加其接受度;而動態波長分配技術以簡單有效率的方式來解決傳輸時網路繁忙的問題。因此,所提出的架構可以提供用戶端一個具有強健、極富彈性以及成本效益特性的網路架構。
For future wireless systems it will be an aim to supply broadband access service to a large number of subscribers. Hybrid fiber-radio access technology operating at microwave frequencies with widespread optical fiber feeding is an attractive solution for the future broadband services. In this thesis, a novel WDM fiber-radio network by dynamic wavelength allocation and upstream injection-locked Fabry-Perot laser scheme is presented and experimentally confirmed. The directly modulated injection mode-locked FP-LD that replaces the relative high cost laser source or external optical modulator is used to transmit radio signals in a low-cost regime for acceptance of subscribers. The dynamic structure can provide a simple and efficient method to solve the burst transmission load problems. The architecture based on these techniques can provide the robust, flexible and cost-effective characteristics for large radio terminals.


  1. 451001.pdf

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