标题: 发展金奈米粒子为选择性及浓缩能力之探针
Development of Gold Nanoparticles as Selective and Concentrating Probes
作者: 邓建勋
Teng Chien Hsun
Dr. Yu-Chien Chen
关键字: 金奈米粒子;基质辅助雷射脱附游离质谱法;选择性;浓缩;gold nanoparticles;MALDI;selective;concentrating
公开日期: 2003
摘要: 金奈米粒子具体积小、比表面积大、且表面容易进行化学修饰等特性,而以柠檬酸钠还原四氯金酸所制备出的金奈米粒子,因为表面吸附有柠檬酸根离子和其他反应后的阴离子而使金奈米粒子表面具有负电性,本论文利用此特性发展一奈米探针,可以用来选择吸附带正电荷的分析物,为了使金奈米粒子在萃取浓缩分析物后的分离更简便,本论文尝试将金奈米粒子修饰在磁性粒子的表面,发展成表面带有负电荷的Fe-Au探针,利用磁铁可以将这些完成萃取的
Fe-Au探针很容易的从样品溶液中分离出来,而达到快速分离的效果,并结合基质辅助雷射脱附游离质谱法 (MALDI-MS) 做为确认分析的方法。

,由于其浓度通常不高,直接使用MALDI-MS不容易侦测到胜肽片段的讯号,但只要将溶液的酸硷值调整至pH值为4左右,即可使大部分的胜肽片段带上净正电荷因而被Fe-Au探针顺利抓取。实验结果显示细胞色素c经过胰蛋白酶消化之后,在pH值为4左右的情况下 (10-7M),可以经由Fe-Au探针抓取到许多其胜肽片段,并结合网路上蛋白质资料库进行比对,可以顺利的比对到目标蛋白质。

Gold nanoparticles are used widely in various fields because of their extremely small size, high specific surface areas, and ease of chemical modification. Gold nanoparticles prepared from the reduction of tetrachloroaurate by using trisodium citrate as the reducing agent have negatively charged surfaces because of the attachments of anions such as citrate ions onto their AuI shell surfaces. Based on this characteristic, this thesis demonstrates that gold nanoparticle-based probes are capable of trapping net positively charged analytes from sample solutions. In order to simplify the isolation process of gold nanoparticles from the sample solution, the gold nanoparticles were covalently bond to the surface of magnetic particles through S-Au bonding to generate Fe-Au probes. The Fe-Au particles then could be easily isolated from the sample solution by employing a magnetic field. After isolation, the target species attached on the surfaces of the Fe-Au particles were characterized by using MALDI-MS.

The Fe-Au probes have been successfully used to concentrate trace of cationic surfactants, peptides, and proteins from aqueous samples. By manipulating the pH values of sample solutions, the specific proteins or peptides can be selectively trapped by the Fe-Au probes. The concentrations of protein enzymatic digest products are generally lower than that can be directly detected by using MALDI-MS. The Fe-Au probes can be employed to concentrate the positively charged peptide residues from sample solutions by simply adjusting the pH value of sample solutions to 4, which leads most of the peptide residues carrying net positive-charges. The Fe-Au probes have been successfully used to concentrate a low concentration of cytochrome C (10-7 M) tryptic digest product from a sample solution at pH 4.0. The trapping peptides residues were characterized via the combination of MALDI-MS analysis results and protein database searches.

Additionally, the Fe-Au probes were also applied to solve the suppression effects arising in MALDI-MS analysis. It has been demonstrated that the Fe-Au probes can selectively trap the positively-charged species from the sample solution containing high concentrations of anionic or nonionic surfactants. Thus, the suppression effects caused by the presence of high concentrations of surfactants in MALDI-MS analysis can be reduced.