Title: 利用雷射光解—雷射誘發螢光技術研究CN + NCO → NCN + CO之動力學
Kinetic Study of the Reaction CN + NCO → NCN + CO Using Laser Photolysis—Laser Induced Fluorescence Technique
Authors: 曾翔暘
Shiang Yang Tzeng
Niann S. Wang
Keywords: 雷射光解—雷射誘發螢光;Laser Photolysis—Laser Induced Fluorescence Technique
Issue Date: 2004
Abstract: 摘要
本研究利用雷射光解(laser photolysis) /雷射誘發螢光(laser-induced fluorescence)技術配合電腦模擬程式Facsimile在254,273,298,353 K及123 – 566 Torr之He中測量CN + NCO→ NCN + CO反應之速率常數值。結果顯示此反應之速率常數值在此壓力範圍內不隨壓力改變,但有負溫度效應,其速率常數可表示為:

k = (1.61 ± 1.16) × 10-11 exp[(342 ± 45)╱T] cm3 molecule-1 s-1


Absolute rate constants for the reaction CN + NCO → NCN + CO were determined at 254,273,298,and 353 K in 123 to 566 torr of He by means of the laser photolysis / laser induced fluorescence technique coupled with computer simulations。
We found that the rate constants are pressure – independent and temperature-dependent。The rate constant can be expressed by :

k = (1.61 ± 1.16) × 10-11 exp[(342 ± 45)╱T] cm3 molecule-1 s-1

Our results will compared with the results of a quantum mechanical calculation on the intermediates and transition states in the reaction paths,and a RRKM calculation of the rate constants of individual reaction path。
Appears in Collections:Thesis