标题: 不完整高维立方体上一至多之资料传输
One-To-All Data Communications On Incomplete Hypercubes
作者: 田振扬
Tien, Jenn-Yang
Yang, Wei-Pang
关键字: 不完整高维立方体;分散资料;广播;阶层性展树;不相交展树群
公开日期: 1990
摘要: 近年来,高维立方体架构之多处理机系统愈来愈受重视。许多高维立方体架构,或类似高维立方体之计算机系统产品相继问世。目前含数以千计处理机之高维立方体在技术上以及经济效益上成为可行。高维立方体之主要限制在于处理机之个数必须是2的幂次方。不完整高维立方体为自高维立方体上移掉部份处理机所形成。被移掉的处理机其编号需大于任何存留之处理机之编号。造成不完整高维立方体之原因包括:(1)硬体制造 (2)部份处理机失效 (3)应用程式取用部份之处理机。
Recently, hypercube multiprocessors have been drawing considerable attention. Several computers with hypercube, or hypercube-like, topology have become commercially available. Current technology has made it both technically and economically feasible to build hypercubes with large number of modes. The main restriction on hypercubes is that the number of nodes should be an integer power of two. The incomplete hypercube is a hypercube with a certain number of nodes removed, the removed nodes have node addresses greater than that any remaining node has. An incomplete hypercube may be caused by the hardware construction; some nodes of a complete hypercube become faulty; or allocating partial of nodes of a complete hypercube to an application.
In this thesis, we studied two operations, distributing and broadcasting, in the incomplete hypercube. Both of which are frequently used operations n the parallel computation. In broadcasting, a data set is copied from a node to all other nodes. In distributing, a node sends a unique (distinct) data set to each other node. During broadcasting, nodes in a routing path receive message and propagate it, if that node is not at the end of the routing path. That is, only one copy of the message traverses over a path.
One of attractive properties of the hypercube is high communication bandwidth. As incomplete hypercube lose the symmetricity (in some degree) of the hypercube, it becomes more difficult to utilize the communication bandwidth of the incomplete hypercube effectively. In this thesis, we show that the bandwidth of incomplete hypercubes can be utilized effectively for broadcasting and distributing.
First, we restrict the incomplete hypercube to have 2n+2k nodes. On the restricted incomplete hypercube, we proposed two distributing algorithms. The routes of proposed algorithms are defined as binomial hierarchical spanning tree-binomial HST and balanced hierarchical spanning tree-balanced HST. Distributing algorithms based on the balanced HST take better advantage of overlap between communication ports and have speed-up of either k/2 or n/2 over that based on the conventional binomial HST. For broadcasting, we proposed hierarchical edge-disjoint spanning trees-hierarchical EDST and edge-disjoint spanning trees -EDST's as route of broadcasting. If a node can send and receive on one of its ports at a time, broadcasting algorithms based on the Hierarchical EDST are optimal with a factor of 2 and that based on the EDST's are optimal with a factor of (n+1)/(k+1). If a node can communicate on all its ports concurrently, broadcasting algorithms based on the EDST's are strictly optimal.
A general incomplete hypercube is an incomplete hypercube that the number of removed nodes is arbitrary. To facilitate the description of constructing maximum number of EDST's in the general incomplete hypercube, we construct the maximum number of EDST's in another type of restricted incomplete hypercube in which the number of removed nodes is 2k, for some integer k. And, then we devise the hierarchical spanning trees and edge-disjoint spanning trees in the general incomplete hypercube, which is a hypercube with arbitrary number of nodes removed. Let the height of EDST's be the height of the highest spanning tree in the set of EDST's. The height of EDST's we constructed are optimal (or near optimal).