Title: 台灣TFT-LCD廠商之績效與風險實證研究
An Empirical Study on Performance and Risk of Taiwan TFT-LCD Companies
Authors: 吳建輝
Keywords: TFT-LCD產業;先進者優勢;技術移轉;TFT-LCD industry;first mover;technology transfer
Issue Date: 2003
Abstract: TFT-LCD 產業為台灣兩兆雙星計畫之一,也是繼半導體產業後最受矚目的新興產業。許多學者對此產業有諸多的探討,然而並無文章針對廠商的經營績效和所面臨的風險來作深入的分析與評估。因此,本研究將TFT-LCD產業發展至今的狀況做一整理,並提出建議,以期對產業發展決策有所貢獻。 本研究中採實証研究法,選擇TFT-LCD產業上中游共14家廠商來做研究對象,以五個向度來提出假說,是否對廠商的績效和風險有顯著的影響,並加以驗證。這五個因素分別為規模的大小、進入該產業時間的早晚、技術移轉與否、位於價值鏈中的位置和對上游關鍵零組件掌握程度的高低。最後,將實證結果和個案比較互相對照得出結論。 本研究得出的結論為: (一)、規模大小、進入時間早晚、技術移轉與否和對上游零組件掌握程度的高低對廠商的績效和風險表現皆有顯著的影響; (二)、位於價值鏈上游的廠商風險表現比位於中游的廠商來的好,績效則無顯著差異;
The TFT-LCD industry is the newly arisen one in addition to the semi-conductor industry in Taiwan. It is one of two key industries in Taiwan’s "Two Trillion and Twin Star" program. Focusing on the evaluation and analysis of companies’ performance versus risks, this thesis attempts to diagnose and classify some strategic issues related to the development of TFT-LCD industry in Taiwan. Fourteen companies, including up-stream and mid-stream in the TFT-LCD industry, have been selected for empirical study. There are five factors proposed for hypothesis testing: 1) the size of firm, 2) timing to entry, 3) with or without technology transfer, 4) the position in the value chain, and 5) the extent of commanding key components. Finally, we draw conclusions by comparing empirical results and conducting related case studies. The results demonstrate as follow: 1. The scale of company, the timing to enter the TFT-LCD industry, technology transfer, and the extent of commanding key components are the four noticeable factors affecting companies’ performance and risk. 2. The position of companies in the value chain has impacts on the risk they face, but does not affect firms’ performance.
Appears in Collections:Thesis

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