Title: 非點源污染對河川水質之影響研究
Study of Nonpoint Source Pollutant Effect on River's Water
Authors: 郭東晃
Dung-Hung Kuo
Jinn-Chuang Yang
Keywords: 網格式非點源傳輸模式、非點源、水質、濃度、檢定、模擬;CNPSM、nonpoint source、water quality、concentration、 calibration 、simulation
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 本研究目的旨在應用一網格式水理水質數值模式 (Cell-type Nonpoint Source Model, CNPSM) ,就大漢溪河道區及洪氾平原之整體河系進行全 流域現況模擬,以期能充份掌握整體河系之水理與水質狀況。本研究提供 了大漢溪全流域現況模擬之實例,模擬非點源污染物在河川、洪氾區之傳 輸情形。利用新海橋實測污染濃度資料與模擬結果做比較,探討非點源污 染量對河川水質之影響程度。同時,將本模式模擬結果與模式做比對,並 比較其差異性並探討網格式非點源污染模式之適用性。 The purpose of this study is to apply a mathematical model named cell-type nonpoint source model (CNPSM) to proceed the hydraulic and water quality simulation of the entire Tahan river system including its channel zone and flood plain. The nonpoint source pollutant transport in river and flood area for the case in the Tahan river has been simulated and presented. The data measured at Shin Hai bridge has been used for model calibration and verification.Through the comparison between simulation results from CNPSM and HSPF model,the applicability and accuracy of CNPSM have been studied.
Appears in Collections:Thesis