標題: 企業技術取得策略之研究
Technology Acquisition Strategy of Firms
作者: 鍾人豪
Chung Jen Hao
Benjamin Yuan
關鍵字: 技術取得策略,技術取得方式,技術;technology acquisition strategy,technology acquisition means technology
公開日期: 1992
摘要: 本研究的主要目的在探討如何擬定最佳的技術取得方案。筆者從策略、技 術特性、技術策略的觀點切入,為技術取得策略下一定義,並探討技術取 得策略的概念與內容,進一步分析影響技術取得策略的因素,繼而探索技 術取得策略的規劃流程,提出各步驟的規劃與決策重點,最後則就各種技 術取得方式的特性加以比較分析。其中,本研究特別側重於技術取得方式 的規劃與決策。「技術取得策略」的定義為「經過周詳的評估與一連串的 決策過程,選擇能產生整體策略綜效的最佳技術取得方式及最適合作夥伴 ╱技術來源之活動計劃以支援技術策略」。影響技術取得策略的因素可概 分為企業認知、組織能力、技術特性與技術環境等四大類因素。規劃技術 取得策略的第一步是進行內、外部分析,藉此找出評估的標準與限制以及 可能的技術來源╱合作夥伴;第二步先形成可能的技術取得方案,剔除一 些不可行的方案,再從這些可行方案之中,透過四個構面的評估,決選出 最佳技術取得方案;最後則規劃組織結構、配置資源以及評估與控制績效 。此外,文中並將各種技術取得方式在投入資源、時間、決策層級... 等 因素上的差異加以比較。 The definition of "technology acquisition strategy" is that " after careful assessment and a series of decision making process, the plan of action which has the best technology acquisition means and the optimal partners ╱ technological sources to support technology strategy and to generate the whole strategic synergy is determined". The influential factors of technology acquisition strategy have four deminisions, including the firms' recognition, the organizational abilities, the technological traits and the technological environment. The formulation of technology acquisition strategy has three stages : ぇ pursuing inside and outside analyses ; え determining the best technology acquisition alternative ; ぉ planning the organizational sturcture, allocating the resources and assessing and controlling the performance. In phase one, the standards of assessment, limitation and the possible technological soureces ╱ partners should be formed. In phase two, all feasible alternatives must be assessed by four dimensions. Besides, this paper also compares the various technology acquisition means in terms of the resources and the time of the input and the hierarchy of the decision making, etc.
Appears in Collections:Thesis