DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorKwang-Hsia Layen_US
dc.contributor.authorHsin-Sheng Huangen_US
dc.description.abstract本篇論文擬從符號學的觀點,重新檢示電視節目的聲音部份.電視聲音是 一項常被忽略的主題,但它日日滲入居家生活中,招換著觀眾到螢光幕前 看看”發生了什事”.本篇論文即以電視聲音為研究之主體,嘗試以符號 學的基本概念詮釋之.符號學從語言學的傳統而來,探討〞符號是如何構 成的”亦即在符號 背後運作的規則,在當代已用在各種範疇的研究中. 本文以符號學詮釋電視聲音,首先將陳述聲音的要素並探討電視聲音在居 家生活中的基本功能,其次介紹符號學的一些概念,並導入對聲音符號的 運用,包括符徵,符指,誘導性,非誘導性....等,最後以毗鄰軸,系譜 軸的概念分析十個節目的文本.總體而言,在系譜軸上,電視以不同的聲 音符號將各節目的特質區隔,在毗鄰軸上,則透過聲音符號的安排,組合 創造一個固定的流程,讓觀眾即使不”看”,也能瞭解螢光幕上進行的事 ,若他決定要”看”,也能隨時進入情況,一目瞭然.透過對電視聲音符 號的再思考,會察覺這個看似”肖似”記號的背後,仍然具有相當的象徵 性-在符號的背後有文化在運作著,而這符號也同樣操控著文化. This study analyses the sound parts of television programs from the semiology point of view. Not many researchers study the subject - television sound. But television sound does flow in people's daily lives : it calls and invites the audience come to the screen and watch " What happened here " . In this reason, this paper takes television sound as the subject of study, and analyses it in the concept of semiology. Semiolgy came from the tradition of linguistics. Semiololgy study " how the signs be constructed " - also means the rules of signs,it has been applied to many kinds of social science domain. The study will analyze television sound by semiology. The first chapter of this study describes the elements of sound, and disscuss the function of television sound in peoples' lives. The second chapter will introduce some basis concepts of semiology, than apply these concepts to analyses television sound - include signifier / signified / motivated/ unmotivated....At last, I will analyses ten television program texts by using concepts of paradigm and syntagms. In sum, on paradigm, television uses different sound signs to divide different kinds programs; on syntagms, it arranges and orgnizes sound signs as a flow to let the audience even not to " watch ", they can understand immediately without any confuse. After thinking about the sign of television sound, we will find that: this " iconic sign " still be symbolic - behind the sign, the culture manipulates, as a reverse, the sign manipulates the culture.zh_TW
dc.subjectsemiology;television sound;analysis.en_US
dc.titleAn Analysis of Television Sound Flow from the Semiology Point of ewen_US