Title: 一個提供超純量多處理機系統設計之模擬及路徑環境
A Simulation and Trace Environment for Superscalar based Multiprocessor Design
Authors: 陳財木
Wood Chen
陳 正
Cheng Chen
Keywords: 多處理機, 超純量, 模擬, 分享記憶體, 平行, 簡化指令集;Multiprocessor, Superscalar, Simulation, Shared-memory, RISC, Parallel
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 本論文之目的在對超純量為基礎的分享記憶體 (Share Memory) 多處理機
系統設計上的重要考慮作探討,並設計一個模擬系統 (Superscalar
based Multiprocessor Simulation and Tracing System ,簡稱
SMSTS) 作為研究設計上的重要環境。SMSTS是一個軟體模擬系統,用來
模擬一個以超純量為基礎的多處理機 (Multi-Processor 簡稱 M.P.)
系統架構;其目的為模擬 M.P. 系統中所有處理單元 (Processor
Element,簡稱 PE) 的平行執行環境,以得到 M.P. 系統執行時正確
的路徑,而此路徑所對應的記憶體存取行為 (Memory Access Behavior)
則經由記憶體模擬器 (Memory Simulator) 的模擬,以獲得此 M.P.系
的時序控制模式 (Timing Control Model) ,而可建立在單一工作站上
、記憶體模擬器及 PE 模式之探討,針對不同的需求作模擬,並且提供非
指令插入式的 Monitor 及 Debuging 環境;使設計者能效率、彈性地
建立於 SUN、 IBM 工做站上,以 C 語言設計完成;此外,並針對我們的
超純量M.P.系統做驗証評估工作,包括 M.P.系統中通訊花費(
Communication overhead)、超純量指令層次平行化、記憶體延遲(
Latency)、延遲隱藏、...等特性之探討;並依據超純量在 M.P.系統設計
In this thesis, we disscus the issues of superscalar based
shared-memory multiprocessor design. And we have developed a
simulation system named SMSTS (Supersacalar based
Multiprocessor Simulation and Tracing System) as an useful
environment for exploring some important design issues. SMSTS
is a software Simulation based on superscalar PE (Processor
Element) for shared-memory multiprocessor system. It's used to
obtain data and generate parallel program's traces for
evaluating the multiprocessor system and behavior of
superscalar PE. The supersclar PE is retargetable by the
description of machine SPEC, and can link with variable
architecture simulator for each M.P. environment. Our simulator
is designed by a parallel timing control model, that can be
built in a workstation or easily port to multi-workstations in
the future. It provides a flexible simulation environment for
the discuss on different O.S. , M.P. memory architecture, and
PE models.SMTS also provides system designer a non-instructive
debugging and monitoring environment. We have already used it
to evaluate our designed superscalar M.P. system, including the
issues of communication overhead, superscalar instruction
parallelism, memory latency, latency hidden ... and so on, then
propose some design criterions for the superscalar M.P. system.
Appears in Collections:Thesis