Title: 一個用於分散式負載平衡的訊息交換方法
An Efficient Message Dissemination Scheme for Distributed Load
Authors: 李家欣
James S. Lee
Ting-Lu Huang
Keywords: 負載平衡, 動態負載平衡, CMD 方法;load balancing, dynamic load balancing, CMD scheme
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 分散式系統中各個節點的負擔能夠實際上予以平衡,是許多系統設計者的 願望. 這篇論文提出一個能夠平衡系統中各個節點的負擔,而訊息傳送負 擔很小的方法. 因為一般而言,平衡各個節點負擔後,系統資源的使用率可 以提高,而平均工作在系統中停留的時間也可以縮短. 我們提出一個新的 交換節點負擔資訊的方法(CMD 方法)和一個動態負載平衡方法. 這是在一 個有N個節點的分散式系統上,藉由重新指定少數工作的工作節點來達成的 方法.每個節點在負擔狀態改變時,只需要通知做一個節點即可,如此可以 減少訊息傳送的負擔. 我們比較了CMD方法和Ni與Suen所提出的各種方 法. 我們以計算各種方法執行負載平衡所需訊息傳送次數的複雜度,和平 均執行一次負載平衡所需要的訊息傳送次數,這兩方面來作比較. 從效能 評估中可以看出:我們的方法比以往的方法都要好.我們的方法大約只需要 Suen的方法的50%的訊息傳送次數即可達成負載平衡. It is desirable for the load in a distributed system to be evenly. The objective of this paper is to achieve balanced load among the processors and to reduce the communication overhead of the load balancing algorithm. By balancing the load among resource utilization can be improved and result in better average time. An Efficient message dissemination scheme (CMD scheme) androtocol for dynamic load balancing through process reassignment in a N-processor distributed system are Each processor communicates its load directly with only one thus reduce communication overhead is significantly reduced. We the given algorithm is better than the algorithm propsed before. performance of this algorithm is studied in the following two the complexity of CMD scheme in the worst case, and the average message passing for load balancing. Evaluation results show that propsed algorithm save about 40% of protocol message used by migration alogithm.
Appears in Collections:Thesis