Title: C++程式結構化測試工具之設計
Design of A Structural Testing Tool Kits for C++ Programs
Authors: 馮敏智
Ming-Jyh Feng
Dr. Chyan-Goei Chung
Keywords: 物件導向測試方法 ; 結構化測試 ; 最佳路徑選擇 ; 資料流程分析;Object-Oriented;Testing Technique;Optimal Path Selection; Structural Testing;Data Flow Analysis
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: C++語言為一物件導向程式語言,與C語言相較,增加了類別和繼承等之特
也因資訊隱藏之特性而使錯誤更不易覺察,因此C++ 語言雖已廣被使用,
結構化測試方法應用在C++ 程式測試之不足處提出解決方法,同時建立一
個C++ 程式之結構化測試環境,此環境功能如下: 1.產生類別繼承關係
表及朋友類別關係表. 2.分析程式中類別異常關係之靜態錯誤. 3.自動檢
查各函式資料使用流程的錯誤. 4.提供類別中各運算之測試順序資訊.
環境已在個人電腦之視窗環境上使用C++ 語言發展完成.
C++ language is an object-oriented language. It provides the
encapulation, inheritance, etc. The complicated inheritance and
friend relationships may make some static errors . Data flow
anomalies may be hidden by the feature of ecapulation. Although
C++ language is more and more popular, no sysmatic object-
oriented structural testing technique is available today. The
primary goal of this thesis is to propose a new structural
testing technique for C++ programs. And a tool is designed
based on the proposed technique. The major features of this
tool are listed as follows: 1. Automatically generate
inheritance and friend relationships of classes. 2. Detect
static errors and anomalies of class relations. 3.
Automatically check data flow anomalies in all paths of
functions and operations. 4. Provide information for the
test order arrangement of operations in a class. 5.
Automatically generate optimal path set. This environment has
been implemented on MS-Windows system by C++ language.
Appears in Collections:Thesis