Title: | 在考量交通禁制和資源限制下之物流配送系統的分析與規劃 The Analysis and Planning of the Physical Distribution System under the Constraints of the Traffic Prohibitions and Resource Limitations |
Authors: | 張▇毓 Chang Bor-Yuh 陳安斌 Chen An-Pin 資訊管理研究所 |
Keywords: | 物流配送;交通禁制下之最短路徑問題;車輛巡迴配送問題;Physical distribution;Shortest Path Problem with turn penalty; Vehicle Routing Problem |
Issue Date: | 1992 |
Abstract: | 物流配送作業電腦化是商業自動化中極重要的一環,依據調查報告顯示美 國每年在流通作業之費用佔其國民生產總值超過百分二十。所以如何透過 現代化科技,有效地規劃、整合物流配送操作單元已成為產業界謀求改善 生產力的當務之急。以往有關於物流配送之研究,大多著重在學術上數理 模式的探討及解題速度的提昇,而較不重視實務環境的限制因素。本研究 擬發展一電腦輔助物流配送決策支援系統,藉由交談式電腦圖形界面協助 派車人員,在考量交通禁制和資源限制的情況下規劃車輛服務路線。其中 運用人工智慧的加權A*演算法以壓縮解空間,而加速了最短路徑的搜尋; 車輛巡迴路徑的擬定則是使用禁制搜尋法為主軸,配合修正後的目標函數 加以求解。 Physical distribution is a key activity for any manufactur- ing or marketing goods firm. A reported study shows that dis- tribution-related expenses in U.S. account for over 20% of the nation's G.N.P. Therefor the implication is thatsignificant savings and efficiencies can be achieved by realizing an inte- grated physical distribution system, inwhich individual compo- nents are designed and integrated. Ultimately, the overall pro- ductivity is increased. Previous researches on distribution system have focused on the modelling and solution efficacy. However, there aresome overlooked operational factors to be considered in practical operations. In this research, we will design a prototype of a computer-aided physical distribution decision support system, which is able to assist the decision maker in seeking the routes from the depots to the customers under the considera- tions of traffic prohibitions. One of important component in the interactive system is the shortest path search function that utilizes weighted A* algorithm in reducing the solution space. Another salient feature of the system is a vehicle route finding mechanism which that applies Tabu search method onto the framework of modified object functions. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/56828 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |