Title: 應用密碼技術於可驗證之無記名投票
Apply Cryptography to Anonymous & Verifiable Voting
Authors: 李青峰
Lee Ching Feng
Dr. Jing-Jang Hwang;Dr. PeCheng Wang
Keywords: 電子無記名投票;應用密碼學;聯合攻擊;computerized anonymous voting;applied cryptology; cooperative attacks; security analysis
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 處在這高度資訊化的社會,幾乎事事都要倚賴電腦,而隨著電腦網路的普遍
票系統不存在"公正第三者"的情況下,我們的方法符合下列要求: (1)只有
合法投票者才能投票,且一人一票。 (2)僅投票者本身知道其投票策略,他
人(含計票中心)不易從網路中竊取或聯合攻擊得知。 (3)在投票截止前,
投票者可更改其選票。 (4)開票後,投票者可檢視其選票是否被正確納入
計票。 其中,(3)、(4)兩點為現行人工計票系統無法達成之功能。
Recent development of computer applications has been moving
toward supporting group, instead of individual, activities.
Since group decisions are usually accomplished through voting,
how to design reliable protocols for anonymous and verifiable
voting is an important research topic. Current protocols in
literatures for anonymous voting appear to have some
disadvantages. Either the protocol is not efficient enough for
practical applications, or the protocol cannot sustain
cooperative attacks or can be cheated by a dishonest
government. So,we try to develop new and better protocols under
there exists no honest government assumption. Generally
speaking, our protocols satisfy the following properties: (1)
Only legitimate voter may cast a valid vote and each legitimate
voter may cast only one valid vote. (2) No one but the voter
knows which voting strategy the voter adopts. (3) Each
legitimate voter may change his/her mind within a given period
of time. (4) Each voter may check that his/her vote has been
Appears in Collections:Thesis