標題: 非同類物件關聯的系統化管理
Systematic Management of Non-Taxonomic Object Associations
作者: 張志輝
Chih-Hui Chang
Keh-Chiang Yu
關鍵字: 非同類關係;非同類聯結;間接繼承;Non-Taxonomic Associaitons;Non-Taxonomic Link; Indirect Inheritance
公開日期: 1992
摘要: 物件導向程式語言中,對於物件間同類關係(taxonomic asso- ciations ),是以一般化與特殊化加以表示。透過物件繼承的方法,物件導向程式 語言對於同類關係,以提供了相當良好的管理機制。而對於物件間存在非 同類關係(non-taxonomic associations),則欠缺一個一致性的管理方法 。傳統的解決方式,是任由各個應用程式自行處理,由程式設計師依循本 身的經驗,分析與設計各個應用程式。為避免讓各個程式設計師自行處理 ,從分析、設計到日後應用程式的維護上,本研究提出非同類物件聯結與 非同類資料繼承兩種方法,對於物件間非同類關係,提供一個一致性的管 理方法。在非同類物件聯結上,透過指標串列方式,替具有非同類聯結的 兩個物件,提供一個獲得資料的途徑,加速物件間資料獲取的速度。在非 同類資料繼承上,透過資料繼承的方法,當擁有該資料的物件發生更動時 ,只需要改變該物件內資料即可,並不需要去更動任何其它物件。透過此 兩種方法,為程式設計師提供一個系統化的方式,解決應用程式中非同類 物件間的關聯問題。 Object-oriented programming has become very popular because it supports several important goals of software development - understandability, modifiability and reusability. In the real world, there exist taxonomic and non-taxonomic associations between objects. Taxonomic associatoins can be repesented by generalization and specialization which most current object- oriented languages support through inheritance. However, service for non-taxonomic associations is rarely seen. In order to maintain all of the goals of object-oriented programming, the non-taxonomic operations must be managed by the system in a uniform way, instead of being handled freely by different applications. This research proposes two simple but useful mechanisms, non-taxonomic link and non-taxonomic inheritance, for handling non-taxonomic operations between objects. The association is declared in the class object only once and all its instances can be served through simple inheritance.