Title: 奚爾密碼法的改進
An Improvement of Hill Cipher
Authors: 朱德智
Chu Te Chih
Mr. Yeh Yi Shiung;Mr. Hwang Jing Jang
Keywords: 奚爾密碼法;隨機字串;選擇明文攻擊法;私用金匙密碼學;Hill Cipher;Random String;Chosen Plaintext Attack; Private Key Cryptography
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract:   本研究的目的是要找尋一個改進奚爾密碼法(Hill Cipher)的方法, 使得系統能有更好的安全防護能力,我們希望這種改進方法能保留奚爾密 碼法中設計簡單且計算容易的特點,當然它也要能夠抵抗選擇明文攻擊 法(Chosen-Plaintext Attack)的攻擊;我們也希望這種方法能被廣泛地 接受和應用於個人資料的保密、網路傳遞資料的保密及各種適合使用私用 金匙密碼法的應用上。 在本研究中,我們從期刊、書籍及會議記錄中 ,收集了有關奚爾密碼法的文獻,從這些文獻中,我們歸納出改進奚爾密 碼法的三種基本方法;另外,我們也提出了一種改進的方法並且證明了我 們所提出的改進方法,確實能夠有效地使奚爾密碼法有更好的安全防護能 力;最後,我們也對這些方法做一個簡單的比較。 The purpose of our research is that we will find an improved Hill Cipher which has a better protection. This scheme, of course,can keep the characteristics of the Hill Cipher and can prevent the Chosen-Plaintext Attack. We also hope that this scheme can be widely accepted and applied for protecting private data, data transmitting on the network, or any application the private key cryptography can apply. In this paper,we collect the relative papers from journals, books, and conference papers. From these papers, we categorize three basic methods related to improve Hill Cipher. We propose an improved method to promise the degree of security. Finally, we compare these methods.
Appears in Collections:Thesis