標題: 城際大眾運輸系統中乘客群之搭乘行為與心理關聯因素量測之研究
Measuring The Passengers’ Behavior and Related Psychological Influence on Patronizing Intercity Public Transportation Service
作者: 紀百晉
Pai-Chin Chi
Hsin-Li Chang
關鍵字: 大眾運輸;潛在乘客;心理影響;線性結構模式;public transportation;potential passengers;psychological effects;Structural Equation Model
公開日期: 2003
摘要: 都會區與城際運輸系統都是以推廣及善用大眾運具為最終的目標,然而大眾運輸多面臨乘客數減少的問題,乘客轉移到小客車上,癱瘓整個運輸系統。過去大眾運輸的相關研究多從總體角度出發,甚少從個體角度檢視大眾運輸系統之問題。本研究盼以乘客或使用者觀點,探討大眾運輸系統中乘客群的搭乘行為與相關心理因素,進而擬定適當的策略可以有效提高其使用大眾運具之意願。 本研究提出大眾運輸系統乘客群心理與行為關聯模式,設計出影響行為之五項外在環境條件變數,與四項內在主觀感受變數,以及其相對應指標,並進行測量。以問卷調查配合派員面訪方式收集資料,再以線性結構模式(SEM)為分析工具,進行模式驗證及路徑分析,審視資料與模式的適配程度,並根據驗證結果比較各因素影響與路徑關係。 結果顯示模式在公路客運與鐵路客運的資料上配適指標表現良好,潛在變數均達顯著標準,且內在潛在變數之影響大於外在潛在變數,顯示民眾在使用大眾運具進行城際旅行時,較重視個體內在主觀感受。公路客運模式中的「便利性」以及鐵路客運模式中的「便利性」、「安全性」、「舒適程度」等等內在主觀感受變數的「反應」成份居多,本研究認為未來若施行短期的改善措施,應該針對這些因素著手較有效果,較容易使民眾願意搭乘大眾運具。 根據模式驗證結果,本研究針對公路客運與鐵路客運模式中民眾較重視的內在因素,分別提出數項改善建議,並認為未來在大眾運輸系統的改進上,有必要考慮「人」或「使用者」的心理因素(如主觀感受等),其對乘客行為的影響實在不容忽略;在國內交通領域中,有關個體行為的相關研究應持續發展,以期能更精確、更全面的描述乘客或使用者的行為運作,更瞭解民眾的感受,以提供更體貼的服務,間接促使民眾更願意使用大眾運具。
The market shrinkage is a common problem that most public transportation systems have confronted. Different from former research, this study was undertaken to explore the reasons why people dislike patronizing public transportation through the viewpoints of psychological effects on potential users. A conceptual framework about the proneness of patronizing public transportation was firstly developed and applied to formulate the relationship between the behavior of public transportation usage and the psychological factors, such as impression and attitude to the public transportation service. Five external factors and four internal factors were designed to describe the environmental restrictions and individual subjective feeling that might influence individual’s proneness of patronizing public transportation. The Structural Equation Model (SEM) was then employed to formulate the effect and path relations of these factors on the attitude and intention of public transportation usage for potential users, including the steps of Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Path Analysis (PA). A face-to-face interview survey was conducted to collect the required data for empirical study purpose. The study results showed that the developed models performed well for both intercity highway bus service and railway service, but not so well for air transportation service. The latent variables in those models were significant, and the loadings of internal factors were higher than those of external factors as expected. It meant that people’s subjective feelings dominate the proneness of patronizing public transportation much more than the environmental restrictions when they face the mode choice decision for intercity traveling. People commonly think the highway buses are convenient for intercity transportation, however, people commonly recognize the rail service is a convenient, safe, and comfortable intercity transportation service. Therefore, the intercity transportation operators are suggested to enhance or improve their image to the potential users in order to attract more people to patronize public transportation service.
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