Title: 高溫超導體之順磁邁斯納效應及微波元件特性研究
Paramagnetic Meissner Effects and Microwave Characteristics of High-Tc Superconductors
Authors: 陳風河
Fueng-Ho Chen
Tseung-Yuen Tseng
Keywords: 高溫超導體;邁斯納效應;晶粒特性;二流體;微波元件;High-Tc Superconductors;Paramagnetic Meissner Effects;Granular
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 本論文乃針對高溫超導體為研究主題, 其中包含利用溶液─凝膠法製備高
純度試片, 對電子結構, 磁性與微波特性的研究及設計製作微條式共振器
並量測之。立用X-光光子激發光譜儀對Bi0.8Pb0.2SrCaCu2Ox 的分析結果
趨勢提出一個缺陷模型, 它能夠合理解釋國外研究群的一些實驗結果。譬
如, 降低氧分壓可促進110K相的形成, 及經由高解析度穿透式電子顯微鏡
的觀察可觀察到鉍系超導試片中同時存在的銅與氧的缺陷。此外, 氧位置
電洞雙量體化(dimeration)的機制亦被提出來解釋為何(Cu+)/(Cu2 +)的
一個觀念, 就是此一異常效應是由於晶粒內的超導電流作用在晶粒間區域
邁斯納效應是晶粒特性超導體(granular superconductors)的寄生現象。
因此, 如果想利用邁斯納訊號估算超導相的體積分率時, 此晶粒間效應應
被納入考慮, 尤其是在低磁場量測時。高溫超導體的微波特性亦在論文研
究。當超導模的模厚與穿透深度相當或甚至更小時, 其所量到的表面阻抗
This research was performed on the high-Tc superconductors
ranging from the preparation of high-purity samples to the
investigation their electronic structures, and magnetic
properties then to the characterization of microwave pro-
perties and final to the fabrication of microstrip resonators.
The analysis of X-ray photoemission spectroscopy on the surface
of Bi0.8Pb0.2SrCaCu2Ox revealed that the ratio of(cu +1)/(Cu+2)
increased with the content of the 2223 phase (i.e., 110K
phase). According to this trend, a defect model was proposed;
The dimerization of holes in oxygen sites, being a possible
mechanism for high-Tc superconducting phase, may be a response
for the increase of the ratio of (Cu+1)/(Cu+2). The
paramagnetic Meissner effect was interpreted theoretically by
anisotropic and isotropic models, respectively. Both of these
two models were conceptulized that the abnormal Meissner
signals were induced by the action of intragranular
supercurrents on the inteeergranular region. The anisotropic
model was suitable to explained the textured samples, while the
isotropic one could quantitatively analyze the sample with
randomly grain-orientedstructure. The intergranular effect was
demonstrated by these models to parasitically exist in granular
superconductors. The microwave characteristics of high-Tc
superconducting thin films were investigated in this work. The
effective surface of superconducting film was investigated for
the film thickness that is comparable with or even less than
the field penetration depth.
Appears in Collections:Thesis