標題: 鉈鉛 (1212) 系統的稀土磁有序及超導性研究
Magnetic Rare Earth Ordering and Superconductivity in (Tl,Pb)-1212 System
作者: 賴秋助
Chiou-Chu Lai
Prof. Bi-Shiow Chiou;Prof. Huan-Chiu Ku
關鍵字: 反鐵磁;低溫比熱;磁化率;軌道雜化;偶極矩作用力;;Antifeermagnetic ordering;specific heat;orbital;hybridization ;dipole-dipole interaction
公開日期: 1992
摘要: 在本論文中,我們詳細地討論了有關於具有 TlBa2CaCu2O7 (1212) 結構
之 TlBa2RCu2O7 (R=Pr,Nd,Sm,Eu,Gd,Dy,Ho,Er, Tm,Yb,Lu)的低溫磁性質
。稀土離子R 對Ca離子之置換使超導體中載子濃度降低,造成TlBa2(Ca,
R)Cu2O7之超導性由overdop到 underdop,以至於形成非超導之絕緣態,
之基態加上非常接近之其它激發態 此外,在TlBa2RCu2O7(R=Nd,Sm,
高的反鐵磁溫度(8K),遠高於TlBa2GdCu2O7的2.2 K為了與PrBa2Cu3O7比
TlSr2RCu2O7 (R = Pr, Gd) 及 (Pb,Cu)Sr2RCu2O7 (R = Pr, Gd),我們
發現在1212系統中,對 Pr之反鐵磁溫度而研,載子濃度是一次要因素,
但若Ba被Sr取代將造成反鐵磁溫度之劇烈變化。在Rietveld Refinement
之研究中我們發現Sr之置換造成c 軸之縮短但Pr-O之距離反而增長。此結
O(2p)之軌道雜化所造成。另外在TlBa2GdCu2O7上,由於Gd-Gd ion 之強
度不受結構或載子濃度之影響,這近乎不變之 Gd 反鐵磁溫度支持了Gd之
Low temperature magnetic study for the insulating TlBa2RCu2O7-y
(R=Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu and Y) system
with the TlBa2CaCu2O7-y type (1212) structure are reported. For
tlBa2EuCu2O7 compound, anomalous temperature dependent of
magnetic susceptibility can be described by a nonmagnetic Eu3+
ground state (J = 0) with closely spaced magnetic excited state
(J > 0). No rare earth except, Pr and Gd, magnetic transitions
above 2 K are observed form magnetic rare earth compounds TlBa2
RCu2O7 (R = Nd, Sm, Dy = 0.94 K, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb). Magnetic
susceptibility heat capacity, neutron and x-ray diffraction
measurements indicate an anomalously high antiferromagnetic
Neel temperature TN(Pr) = 8K with an onset around 10 K for TlBa2
PrCu2O7 as compared to TN(Gd) = 2.2 K for TlBa2GdCu2O7. Detail
neutron diffraction data show complex magnetic behavior around
TN(Pr). In comparing with the anomalous Pr ordering in PrBa2Cu3
O7 system, charge carrier, and different ion size of alkali
earth ion substitution effect are considered. For that, TlSr2
RCu2O7 (R = Pr and Gd) and (Pb,Cu)Sr2RCu2O7 (R = Pr and Gd)
compounds are synthesized. In this 1212 system , charge carrier
has minor effect on TN, but Sr substitution for Ba
significantly reduced the magnetic Pr ordering temperature. The
Rietveld x-ray refinement results show that Pr-O bond length is
enlarged as Ba is replaced by Sr , alothough the c-axis
parameter become shoter. These results strongly support that
the hybridization of Pr(4f) and O(2p) orbitals are the
mechanism of Pr ordering and superconductivity supression in
PrBa2Cu3O7-y. The strong dipolar interaction of Gd-Gd ions
maintains the TN(Gd) near 2.2 K not affected by the structure
change and any charge carrier effect. This near constant
ordering temperature in the double-CuO2 layer Gd containing
cuprates suggests that the interaction is highly anisotropic
(quasi-2D). A broad heat capacity shoulder below TN(Gd)
indicates strong spin fluctuation of the large Gd spins