Title: 噴濺之蒙地卡羅模擬
Monte Carlo Simulation of Sputtering
Authors: 黃增隆
Tseng-Lung Huang
Shuang-Fa Guo
Keywords: 濺射率; 交互作用位能; 非彈性能量損失; 表面束縛能;;sputtering yields; interatomic potential; inelastic energy loss; surface binding energy
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 吾人發展完成一種蒙地卡羅模擬程式, 可以用來決定元素靶在物理噴濺過
程中之濺射率以及噴濺粒子的能量和角度分佈. 由檢視原子的交互作用位
理參數. 我們主要討論濺射率對入射離子能量和角度的模擬結果. 此外,
角度分佈. 模擬計算的數值儘可能與實驗結果比較, 吾人確實可以獲得良
A Monte Carlo simulation program has been developed to
determine sputtering yields of single-element targets as well
as energy and angular distributions of sputtered particles in
physical sputtering processes. By examining the influence of
the interatomic potential and the inelastic energy loss as well
as as the surface binding energy on the sputtering yields, the
input physical parameters are determined. Simulated results of
sputtering yields versus incident ion energy and angle are
discussed. Futher results are total angular and energy
distributions of sputtered particles and angular distributions
in specified solid angles for non-normal incidence. The
calculated data are compared with experimental results as far
as possible and good agreement has been obtained.
Appears in Collections:Thesis