Title: 視訊編碼之景緻分析技術
Scene Analysis For Video Coding
Authors: 龔輝雲
Huei-Yun Gong
Hsueh-Ming Hang
Keywords: 人類視覺系統;區塊離散餘弦轉換域;頻率感度;背景感度;遮罩效應;感受界限;;HVS;Contrast Sensitivity;Perceptual Threshold;Frequency; Spatial;Temporal;Block DCT
Issue Date: 1992
Abstract: 有限位元率(bit rate)達到較好影像品質,需要同時使用主觀及客觀的壓
質。方法是在區塊離散餘弦轉換域(Block DCT domain)探討人類視覺系統
的三個特性:頻率感度 (frequency sensitivity)、背景感度(contrast
sensitivity)及遮罩效應(masking effect)。在國際視訊標準中(如
H.261 及 MPEG1),通常採用區塊離散餘弦轉換編碼技術,所以我們建議
影像區塊感受界限(Perceptual Threshold)的主要因素,我們先將影像分
簡單化。每類的區塊活性函數(Block Activity Function)定義為所有交
流係數(AC coefficients)的絕對值和,可作為分成數個細類的依據,而
測(Subjective Distortion Measure) 函數來衡量所提出的方法。
A better quality picture with a constrained bit rate can be
achieved by using both the objective and the subjective
compression techniques together. In this thesis, we propose a
scene analysis method to implement subjective compression which
leads to quality improvement on compressed images, because it
would produce equally visible coding distortion across the
entire picture using the least amount of bits. This method
exploits three HVS properties in Block Discrete Cosine
Transform (BDCT) domain, namely frequency sensitivities,
contrast sensitivities, and masking effects. We suggest and
conduct several experiments for measuring the HVS properties in
BDCT domain. BDCT coding scheme has been adopted by several
video international standards, for example, H.261 and MPEG1.
Among these properties, spatial masking is the key factor in
deciding the perceptual thresholds of picture in local regions.
We develop a perceptual-based picture classification algorithm
and classify picture regions into four categories. Each
category has similar capacity in hiding errors, and thus
making the complicated problem in determining perceptual
thresholds more easily. The Block Activity Function (BAF) of
each category, sum of the absolute values of AC coefficients,
can be used to further divide a category into subcategories.
As a result, each subcategory now has a quite uniform
visibility threshold. Some experimental results are included in
this thesis, which can be used for picture quality and bit rate
control in coding. Finally, we use a subjective distortion
measure to evaluate our proposed approach.
Appears in Collections:Thesis