標題: 銀行分支單位經營績效衡量模式之構建-資料包絡分析模式(DEA)的應用
Building a Model of Operating Performance Measurement of the Branch Office of Bank: An Application of Data Envelopment Analysis
作者: 馬裕豐
Ma, Yung-Fong
Wu, Sou-Shan
Sheu, Her-Jiun
關鍵字: 銀行;DEA
公開日期: 1992
摘要: 我國銀行採「分支銀行制度」,故每一個銀行經營的良窳,取決於各個分支單位經營績效的表現。現行公營銀行對其分行經營績效的考核,均依主管機關的考核辦法及本身經營特質而各自訂定的考核辦法辦理;另民營銀行評估分支單位經營績效好壞的辦法,其精神和作法和公營銀行的考核辦法大致相同。然兩者均無法明確指出非效率單位應改進的方向及幅度。 本研究以DEA模式為基礎,分別探討其演進過程、含意及有關應用外;另以某商業銀行的133家營業單位為實例,構建一衡量經營績效的模式,其主要內容包括:模式構建步驟,實例銀行背景及其衡量分支單位績效的方法,選擇投入、產出項,模式選擇,應用CCR模式求出整體效率,BCC模式得出技術效率及以上面兩種效率求出規模效率及指出規模報酬,並利用上述結果求出非效率營業單位應改進的方向和幅度及提出若干管理資訊。
Most of the banking industry in Taiwan is of Branch office System that whether a bank is successfully operated depends on the performance of operation of each branch office. Currently the supervi-sion and auditing of performance of the government-run banks to their branch office is subject to the auditing measures of the competent authorities as well as to those according to the operation quality of individual bank. The auditing measures of the private banks are similiar to those of the govertment-run banks in spirit and practice. At any rate, neither can sepcify the direction and degree, of step, the ineffi-cient branch office should improve. The present study is based on the DEA model to probe its evolu-tionary process, meaning and the relevant applications. In addition, an example of a bank with 133 branch offices is presented to construct a model to measure the operation performance. The content includes the procedures of construction of model, background of the model as well as the methods to measure the performance of its branch offices, selec-tion of input and output items, selection of models, calculation of over-all efficiency by applying CCR model and the BCC model to figure out the technical efficiency. By means of the above two efficiencies, we are to figure out the scale efficiency and point out the scale return. Furthermore, the author tries to work out the direction and degree the inefficient branch office should improve. Meanwhile, several administra-tion information will be presented.