標題: 都市道路系統交通效率評估之研究
The Study of Evaluating Traffic Efficiency for Urban Road System
作者: 李文嶽
Wen-Yaugh Lee
Shoei-Uei Wu
關鍵字: 時間分佈指標;空間分佈指標;交通效率指標;交通使用效率指標;Time distribution index;Space distribution index;
公開日期: 1993
摘要: 目前都市幹道服務水準分析係以平均旅行速率作為衡量因子,但僅能顯示 某單一路段某一時刻的服務水準,而無法顯示全天幹道之服務水準狀況。 而且其衡量對象,僅侷限於單一路段,無法建立一套衡量都市整體道路系 統之服務水準指標,因而無法對都市整體交通運輸規劃作全面性的考量。 因此本研究乃以此觀點出發,建立一套衡量都市整體道路系統交通效率之 方法,作為衡量及優先改善之依據。首先本研究界定「都市道路系統交通 效率」之概念,乃由質化面與量化面兩個因素所構成。質化面乃是由影響 都市道路系統交通使用效率之因素─旅次時間分佈與旅次空間分佈所構成 ,本研究分析此二旅次分佈特性,並建立都市交通使用效率數學模式,計 算各路段之空間分佈係數、時間分佈係數,進而建立都市道路系統交通使 用效率等級,配合量化面之都市幹道服務水準評量因子─平均旅行速率, 建立都市道路系統交通效率等級。其中以『聯合機率密度函數法』作為本 研究建立都市道路系統交通(使用)效率等級表之依據。延續個別主次要道 路路段都市道路系統交通效率分析之結果,配合各路段佔該交通分區調查 道路總長度之百分比大小,以累計達到各指標等級之累計百分比大小對十 二個交通分區做一簡單的相對分類比較,找出都市內各交通分區之都市道 路系統交通效率指標等級分佈情形,作為未來優先交通改善地區之先後次 序參考依據。本研究亦提出一套衡量整體都市交通效率等級之方法,以作 為判斷整體都市交通效率之依據。並以民國 80年台北市交通量資料作實 例研究分析。 Average travel speed is used to evaluate the level of service of urban road system, but it only reveals LOS of one section for given time, can't reveal the LOS of arterial for the whole day. Because its object of mea- sure is only one section,it can' t set up the LOS index of evaluating whole urban road system and can't deal with the whole network.So,the purpose of this study is developed to set up the method that can evaluate whole urban road system traffic efficiency. First,this study define" urban road system traffic ef- ficiency".The two factors form part of urban road sys- tem traffic efficiency, they are qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.Qualitative analysis is for- med with travel time distribution and travel space di- stribution that they are the factors affecting urban road system traffic use efficiency.By this two travel distribution,this study can set up urban road system traffic use efficiency math model.This math model can compute the space distribution coefficiency and time distribution coefficiency of one section and establish urban road system traffic use efficiency rank.Then th- is study combines urban road system traffic efficiency rank with LOS of urban arterial to set up urban road system traffic efficiency rank.This study use "joint probability density function method"to establish urban road system traffic (use)efficiency rank. To continue,this study analyze the urban road system traffic efficiency of principal arterial and minor ar- terial and compute the percentage of individual secti- on length occupy the investigative road length of the traffic zone.To compare with 12 traffic zone with acc- umulative total percentage of individual index rank. This study can find the distribution of urban road sy- stem traffic efficiency of traffic zone in urban and to be priority of traffic improvement. This study also brings up the method of evaluating whole urban traffic efficiency rank.