Title: 高溫超導體的磁滯、磁通運動及表面超導問題的探討
Study of Magnetic Hysteresis, Vortex Motion, and Surface Superconductivity of High-Tc Superconductors
Authors: 陳俊霖
Jin-Lin Chen
Tzong-Jer Yang
Keywords: 臨界態模型; BS磁通流動理論; 不尋常Seebeck效應;;Critical State Model; BS Flux Flow Theory; Unusual Seebeck Effect;
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本論文分成四個主要的部分。在第一部分中,我們利用低場近似將廣義臨
用如 BS理論中把它視成一個假設,同時我們也得到了黏滯係數的公式。
This dissertation contains four main parts. In the first part,
the generalized critical-state model is extended to the low
field case by the new low-field approximation. We calculate the
hysteresis loops of magnetization for Hmax<H* and Hmax>H*. We
obtain new behaviors of M(H) which are different from the
results derived from Bean and Kim models. Our theory quali-
tatively agrees with the experimental results for high-Tc
superconductors, and some important macroscopic parameters may
be obtained by fitting our theory with the experimental data.
In the second part, the Bardeen-Stephen(BS) flux-flow theory is
modified and extended to the high field case. With the help of
the Clem model and the Wigner-Seitz circle cell approximation
for vortices, the distinct boundary of the normal core of a
vortex in the BS theory is removed and treated naturally.
Several interesting results come out as a consequence. The
Lorentz force is determined by the normal current rather than
the supercurrent. But the supercurrent can sustain the magnetic
field distribution of flux quanta. From energy dissipation
considerations, the Lorentz force is equal to the viscosity
force automatically without assumption as made in the BS
theory. A new expression of the viscosity is also obtained.
Appears in Collections:Thesis