Title: 鈮酸鋰晶體角度多工全像儲存之研究
A Study on an Angular-multiplexing Holographic Storage in LiNbO3 rystals
Authors: 莊淑芳
Shu-Fang Chuang
Ken-Yuh Hsu;Tai-Chiung Hsieh
Keywords: 光折變晶體;鈮酸鋰晶體;角度多工;全像儲存;Photorefractive Crystal;Lithium Niobate Crystal; exing;Holographic Storage
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 本篇論文主要在探討鈮酸鋰晶體角度多工全像儲存之理論及技術. 在理論
W, 我們計算光折變穩態光柵的繞射效率及記錄多重影像時其最佳化條件
, 包含參考光所需要改變的最小角度, 以及多工儲存之曝光時程等. 由計
漵珣o到的晶體與系統之參數則用來作為光學系統之設計之依據. 在實驗
上, 我們首先測量鈮酸鋰晶體全像光柵之最小角度間隔, 以與理論結果相
珊傢□ 其次我們建立一套角度多工的光學儲存系統, 並在一個2x2x0.7立
方公分大小的晶體的5個位置中, 分別儲存200張影像, 每個儲存位置的大
In this thesis, we investigate the theory and experimental
technique of an angular-multiplexing holographic storage
system. A photoregractive crystal is used for the holographic
medium. Inhe theoretical part, we calculate the diffraction
efficiency ofsteady-state photorefractive grating. Then we find
the optimumditions of the holographic storage system. These
include theum angle separation between the angular
multiplexingng and the exposure schedule for obtaining an
uniform diffracrion efficiency in the multiple storage. In the
experiment aspect, we first measure the minimum angle
deviationetween the neighboring exposures. The experimental
results areagreement with our calculation results. Then we have
recordedimage holograms in five positions of a 2x2x0.7cm3
lithiumate crystal. The area of each position is 25mm2.
Appears in Collections:Thesis