DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorShu-Yen Chanen_US
dc.contributor.authorWha-Tzong Whangen_US
dc.description.abstract在研究改進一個以導電高分子和高分子電解質為基材 ,來產生光效應的智 慧型窗戶特性及可靠度.此智慧型窗戶是以兩片 極,其間疊合著三層薄膜 材料,分別以電化學聚合聚苯胺 變材料)為工作電極,經由電解質(含鋰鹽 之高分子電解質 ),和對電極(為 30-40nm 銅薄膜),形成一電致色變元件. 有關高分子電解質是一固態薄膜(約 5μm),其組成為 oxide ) ( PEO ),Chlorinated poly( ethylene glycol )( PEC ) ,和鋰鹽(LiBF4或 LiClO4).此薄膜高分子電解質在室溫下有優秀的離子導電度(> 10^-4 s/ cm),並且在長時間使用不會有成分損失之導電穩定性.有關電化學聚合聚 苯胺薄膜之厚度約2500電阻隨著電 W加.就掃描電位而言,以定電流和線性 階梯型條件有較低的表面電阻.而聚苯胺薄膜之形態上,茪ㄕP區域:(一) 多 纖維結構,(三)緊臨表面之顆粒狀結構。其各區之形態會因電鍍電壓波 形和電解液的組成等因素而有變化.q度及其電致色變性質有 關,而顆粒狀 結構則與聚苯胺薄膜和有關.而在剝離力的測試中,本研究以掃描電位線性 階梯型波形( V;每一台階相差 0.025V;停留時間 15秒 )準備的聚苯胺薄 膜,高於以定電壓波形( 1.2V; 7分鐘)條件所形成的薄膜 3.5倍的剝離 力. 被發現在以電化學聚合的前述條件(階梯型)最初生長時,但在後述 條件(定電壓型)則無. □虴l收波長,主要有三種顏色狀態.無色狀態在 336 - 342 nm有一吸收帶,而在 IR 區域其吸收度相當低;綠色狀態在和 410-430並且在IR區域有較高的吸收度;藍/紫色狀態在 320-350 nm和 705-762 nm有兩個吸收帶,在 IR洮□但在波長高於速下降.在高分子電解 質中,不同的鋰鹽也會影響到吸收光譜,在無色/綠色狀態的轉變上,含有 LiClO4電解質較含有LiBF4為佳;而在綠色/藍-紫色狀態的轉變上, LiBF4 元件在使用多次後,局部黑暗區域會出現且隨使用次數有逐漸增 加的現象,此黑暗區的出現仍可被排除. The objective of this study is to improve the and reliability of a conducting polymer ( polyaniline ) and a polymer electrolyte for a smart woindow producing optical .The smart woindow is composed of three thin layers between pieces of ITO glass : The conducting polyaniline , electrolytes,and transparent copper thin film.The ITO glass working electrode is covered with electropolymerized , an electrochromic polymer.The ITO glass as a counter is electrodeposited with a transparent thin copper film ). The polymer electrolyte including Lithium salt is sandwiched between both ITO glasses. The electrochromic device at three main color states -erent optical wavelength absorption . The clear state shows absorption at 336-342nm and a relative low absorption in the region . The green state shows absorptions at 342-348nm and 410-430nm , and relatively higher absorption in th IR region The blue/purple state shows absorptions at 320-350nm and at 762nm,and even higher absorption in the IR region but rapidly above 762nm.The polymer electrolyte with different Li salts also shows its effect on the optical absorption . For /green state transition , LiClO4is a better candidate than as a salt in the polymer electrolyte. For green/blue-purple transition the LiBF4 is a better salt .The electrochromic gradually show some permanent dark area after using several . We think the dark area can be stillexcluded.zh_TW
dc.subjectpolyaniline、polymer electrolyte、sweep voltage、peel forceen_US
dc.titleA Characteristic Study and Improvement of Electrochromic Smart Windowen_US