Title: 反應摻合聚碳酸酯高分子參與共聚酯高分子
Compatibilizing Copolyester (POB-PET)(40/60) with Polycarbonate throgh Reactive Blending
Authors: 蘇國富
Koe-Fu Su
Kung-Hwa Wei
Keywords: 摻合;酯交換;動力學;blend;tranesterification;kinetic
Issue Date: 1993
Abstract: 聚碳酸酯 ( Poly(bisphenol-A carbonate)) PC 和在實驗室合成之共聚
酯高分子(Poly(p-oxybenzoate-co-ethylene terephthalate);40: 60)
P46 的摻合是在 Branbender Mixer 中進行。在 240℃,250℃和 260℃
三種溫度下摻合,Branbender Mixer 的轉速為 50 rpm來分析PC/ P46 摻
合物可混合性(miscible)的研究。以熱差分析儀 (differential
scanning calorimetry;DSC),測量摻合物因 P46 含量和摻合溫度、時
間所造成的改變,結果發現當摻合物中 P46 的含量和摻合溫度愈高則摻
(Fouier transformed infra-red;FTIR)和13C核磁共振譜(Nuclear
magnectic resonance; NMR) 探討之,發現在 240℃ 時雖然以 FTIR 測
量結果顯示有酯交換的情形產生。但 NMR 卻無法偵測到摻合物中酯基的
化學化移(chemical shift),但在260℃,長時間下,此兩種儀器則可同
時偵測到有酯交換反應的產生。以掃描式電子顯微鏡 (scanning
electron microscope;SEM) 觀察聚碳酸酯高分子和共聚酯高分子的相容
Blends of Poly(bisphenol-A carbonate) PC and in-house
synthesizedPoly(p-oxybenzoate-co-ethylene terephthalate)
(40:60) P46 were melt- mixed in a Branbender Mixer at three
temperatures, 240℃, 250℃, 260℃. The speed of the mixing
blades was 50 rpm. The miscibility of the blends was
investigated with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).The
kinetics of transesterification of the blends of PC and P46 was
studied with Fourier transformed infrared spectrometry (FTIR)
and Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). It was found that the
extent of the transesterification increased with the amount of
P46 in PC , the temperature and the reaction time. Scanning
electron microscope (SEM)studies revealed that the copolyester
formed droplets in PC matrix at low temperatures and short
reaction time , but disappeared at higher temperature and
longer reaction time. The viscosity of the blends studies with
a stress rheometer (CSL-500) . The adding of the copolyester to
PC reduced the viscosity of the host polymer.
Appears in Collections:Thesis